Tendering Social Housing & Accommodation Bids – Find Contracts Free
How to Bid for UK Contracts & Find Procurement Opportunities in Social Housing & Accommodation Tendering
Social housing & accommodation contract opportunities often revolve around providing sustainable, community-driven, and quality living environments. Key attributes that stand out in tenders include:
- Holistic Community Development: Going beyond bricks and mortar, bids that emphasise community cohesion, safety, and social infrastructure are likely to resonate more. This can include strategies for community engagement, integration plans, and local partnership initiatives.
- Sustainability: With the rising emphasis on green building and sustainability, tenders that demonstrate energy-efficient construction, use of sustainable materials, and long-term environmental planning often have a competitive edge.
- Affordability and Accessibility: Winning bids are often those that address the affordability crisis, offering scalable solutions, and catering to the diverse needs of different community members, including those with disabilities.
- Innovative Financing Models: Given the tight budgets in public housing, innovative financing or partnership models that can maximise value for money can be a standout feature.
Bid Consultancy, Support & Bid Writing
Bid Consultancy & Bid Support in Social Housing Sectors with Tender & Bid Writing Services ensure a comprehensive and precise tender submission to position your business as a valuable partner in this sector.
Social Housing Bids & Tenders: Demonstrating Value & Commitment to Broader Objectives
For businesses aiming to secure contracts in the Social Housing & Accommodation sector, understanding and aligning with the nuances of these procurement frameworks is essential. Regularly reviewing updated frameworks, understanding the specific requirements of lots, and demonstrating the ability to deliver value beyond just cost can enhance the competitiveness of a bid.
Whether it’s a multi-supplier framework or a DPS, businesses should be prepared to demonstrate capability and a commitment to the broader objectives of social housing to create sustainable and inclusive communities, where people want to live.
Experience, Technology & Security
- Housing Authorities: Playing a major role, often acting as intermediaries between the government and housing providers. Successful bidders often showcase robust systems for liaising with housing authorities, understanding their requirements, and ensuring all housing projects align with broader city or regional planning objectives.
- Technological Integration: The adoption of smart home technologies, efficient heating and cooling systems, and integrated community apps or platforms can be a differentiator.
- Security & Safety: Especially in densely populated housing areas, strategies for ensuring resident safety, both in terms of structural safety and community safety is key.
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Date Published | Contract Title | Contract Details & Bidding Information | Procuring Organisation | Bid Closing Date |
15/01/2025 07:35 PM | Design and installation of an adventure golf course | IntroductionSpecialist Contractors are invited to submit a quote for the design and installation of an adventure golf course, including entrance gates, security fencing, and associated` landscaping on a surplus c.40m x 40m bowling rink in Swanspool Gardens. You are invited to submit quotes for an 18-hole option, space permitting.Background informationSwanspool Gardens are set in a residential area on the edge of the town centre. The gardens are set within the grounds of Swanspool House, a Grade II listed Georgian building, in Wellingborough's Conservation area. The Gardens are home to an Art Deco Pavilion servicing two tennis courts and a bowling rink. Many established trees which have historical importance to the gardens and are rare specimens are dotted around the site, with floral displays to compliment the tranquil setting. Through the redevelopment of the gardens, it is envisaged that the pavilion will feature a café which will also function as a kiosk for the adventure golf course and the other sporting facilities.The gardens feature a second bowls rink in the centre, surplus to requirements. The Council is now looking to develop the area to maximise its value to the community, increase biodiversity and revenue to sustain the gardens, and complement the surroundings.Scope of workThe work will consist of: • Detailed designs for the course, including drawings and specifications. • Obtaining all necessary permissions, licences and approvals to undertake the work. • Installing an 18-hole golf course. • Erecting fencing, gates and signage. • Associated landscaping to dress the course. • Any ongoing recommended contractor maintenance and inspection costs.Anticipated value The anticipated value of the contract (based on an 18-hole course), to include all design costs, manufacture, supply and delivery, installation, associated site works, reinstatement, preliminaries, contingencies and profit, is £250,00 to £325,000.The procurement process is intended to follow the timetable below:Invitation to tender issued Monday 20th January 2025 Clarifications submitted by Friday 7th February 2025 Deadline for responses Monday 10th February 2025 Evaluation 11th -14th February 2025 Contract award 17th February 2025 Ten day voluntary standstill 18th-28th February 2025 Final award and Initial project meeting Monday 10th March 2025 Target Contract start Monday 17th March 2025 Technical design phase 17th March 2025 - 11th April 2025 Design evaluation 14th April -18th April 2025 Final scheme and cost approval 21st -25th April 2025 Planning application submitted May 2025 Planning permission granted August 2025 Build start date September 2025 Practical completion date December 2025Tenders should be made by post to the following address, marked clearly 'DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 7/02/25": Private and Confidential: Sally McLellan Town Clerk Wellingborough Town Council Swanspool House Doddington Road Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 1BP | WELLINGBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL | 20/01/2025 |
15/01/2025 05:43 PM | Quality Assurance Audits | Aspire Housing (referred to as "Aspire") is looking to appoint a provider to conduct our Quality Assurance Audits for compliance areas focussing mainly on Gas and Electric for new builds, gas and elec, domestic properties, commercial and non-domestic flats for a contract commencing in March 2025 a term of 3 Years with the option to extend for a further 2 Years. | Aspire Housing | 17/02/2025 |
15/01/2025 04:40 PM | WH24009 - Managed Stores Service & Supply of Building Materials | Wolverhampton Homes requires a sole organisation to provide all building materials, including consumable items, plant & tools and personal protective equipment for use by the in-house repairs team. Selected products may also be supplied to Wolverhampton Homes contractors, to improve efficiency, value for money and to ensure specifications are maintained.The contract will also include the provision of a dedicated stores/counter facility, to improve productivity and efficiency. The contract will include for materials to be delivered direct to site, replenish van stocks remotely and collections.All products supplied will be required to be completed in accordance with the applicable works specifications, performance targets, customer service and ICT requirements.The supplier will support the activities of the In-House Team by providing a fully integrated and flexible service that is seamless from the customer's perspective and that ensures that value for money is achieved.The contract will be fixed for 10 years, with appropriate break-clauses.The contract value is £70Million. | Wolverhampton Homes Ltd | 17/02/2025 |
15/01/2025 04:13 PM | THE PROVISION OF EXTRA CARE SERVICES | Hartfields Extra Care Housing Scheme was developed in partnership with Hartlepool Borough Council and offers 242 units of extra care accommodation. The scheme is mixed tenure meaning some properties are social rent, some are outright purchase and other are part purchase.The Agreement for the provision of the services outlined below will commence on 22nd May 2025 for a period of 5 years with options to extend for a further 2 x 12 months.The successful provider will be required to enter into a Partnership Agreement with Jsoeph Rowntree Housing Trust who is the landlord/housing support provider at Hartfields. They will also be expected to enter into sub-contracting arrangements with JRHT for the provision of out of hours support as detailed below. The value of the sub-contracting arrangements is available on request. The subcontracting arrangements are a fundamental part of this Service and are not negotiable.The care and support provider will be required to provide planned care and support to anyone assessed by the Council as requiring support. Over the last 6 months the average number of hours of care and support provided was 875 hours per week. This depends on the needs of individual residents in the scheme and may fluctuate as peoples needs change and people move into and out of Hartfields.The NEPO E-Procurement Portal is being used for this Tender. In order to express your interest please register as a supplier on the NEPO. https://procontract.due-north.com. Once you have registered please view the opportunities register. The reference for this tender is as follows:-Procontract Reference No. DN 759026Completed submissions must be returned via the NEPO E-Procurement Portal not later than 2pm on Monday, 17th February 2025. | Hartlepool Borough Council | 17/02/2025 |
15/01/2025 03:58 PM | Market Engagement Event for BCP Council's Street Outreach Support Services | Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Council (BCP Council) are hosting an online market engagement event on Wednesday 5th February at 13:00-14:00 to promote our commissioning intentions for a new Street Outreach Support Service.This market engagement event is open to all providers who have an interest in the delivery of Street Outreach Support Services. The event will offer providers with the opportunity to learn more about BCP Council's vision to end homelessness across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole by ensuring everyone has a safe place to call home, overview of BCP Council's latest rough sleeping data and find out about the procurement process.We will also be sharing with you an overview of the collaboration work being undertaken with Homelessness Partnership BCP, Homewards, and other organisations and partners across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to achieve our vision. It is expected that the new Street Outreach Support Service will make a positive contribution towards BCP Council's Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy core aims.The Street Outreach Support Service tender opportunity is due to be published on Supplying the Southwest in March/April 2025. To register for the market engagement event please send an email to ku.vo1738918578g.lic1738918578nuocp1738918578cb@ma1738918578etstc1738918578artno1738918578cgnis1738918578uoH1738918578 by Monday 3rd February at midday with your First and Last Name and organisation name.Participation or non-participation in this market engagement event shall not prejudice organisations participating in any future procurement process nor is it intended that any information supplied shall place any organisation at an advantage in any forthcoming procurement process. | Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council | 03/02/2025 |
15/01/2025 03:37 PM | Commercial Kitchen and Laundry Service Equipment Maintenance and Replacement | Westmorland and Furness Council has a varied portfolio of buildings including 9 Care Homes and 5 Day Centres which contain a range of catering and laundry equipment which require compliant inspection and servicing and as required, breakdown maintenance and replacement.In responding to this opportunity, Contractors confirm that they can comply with the relevant statutes and regulations current at the time of the selection process including as relevant, Gas Safety, Health & Safety, Control of Asbestos, COSHH, Electricity at Work, Manual Handling and Personal Protective Equipment. Overall, this Contract shall achieve the delivery of statutory compliant, working equipment in Council buildings. A key deliverable will be a rapid response to emergency repairs where it is critical to the catering service operation. Achievement of the aims will generally be measured by the Contractors performance as set out in the ITT and Specification.Currently there are approximately 14 sites using this service, this number may reduce as the Council continues a programme of consolidation/rationalisation of assets. All figures in this document are therefore indicative.Further details of the Contract are included in the Invitation to Tender documents available via The Chest. All clarifications regarding the tender documents must be directed via the messages area of the project dashboard. Any queries regarding using The Chest - https://procontract.due-north.com - please use the support available from the home page.The submission deadline is 5th February 2025 at 10am. | Westmorland and Furness Council | 05/02/2025 |
15/01/2025 01:08 PM | Supported Living and Residential Services | Supported Living and Residential Services framework. Open to NEL local authorities.Lot 1: Supported Living - open to NEL Lot 2: Residential - open to NEL Lot 3: Block contracts for placements - LB Hackney specific | London Borough of Hackney | 17/03/2025 |
15/01/2025 12:36 PM | Lift Servicing and Maintenance | This procurement is for the appointment of an experienced contractor to carry out the Regular Inspection, Servicing, Reactive and Emergency Repairs to Passenger Lifts to all Westward's stock (currently 35 passenger lifts).This will be a fully comprehensive maintenance contract for 48 Calendar Months with an option to extend for a further two 12-month periods. | Westward Housing Group | 26/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 05:45 PM | PfH Funded Retrofit Works & Delivery | Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 90% of UK' social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensive reporting. PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("PCR 2015") and a central purchasing body under regulation 37 PCR 2015.Please refer to www.pfh.co.uk for additional information.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise and experience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integrating procurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner, supporting business performance improvement for the public sector. | Procurement for Housing | 14/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 04:30 PM | Consultant Support | Procurement Assist Limited is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60 month Dynamic Purchasing System for Consultant Support. The DPS will be available for use by iFM Bolton and the whole public sector from across the United Kingdom. The DPS initial application period is 30 days but will remain open until 31 May 2029. Applications from service providers can be made at any time during this period. The DPS is intended to be a fast route to market for Clients, with Clients not needing any further engagement with OJEU procurement processes. Procurement Assist is publishing this Notice of Amendment made pursuant to the original Notice 2020/S 082-194759 to extend the DPS to 31 May 2029. The DPS reference number has changed from PA DMB 02 to PA CI 13 and the scope of the DPS is also to include, but not limited to include Stock Condition Surveys, Damp Surveys and all other types of survey work to existing dwellings. The remaining information in relation to this DPS is unchanged. | Procurement Assist Limited c/o Integrated Facilities Management Bolton Ltd (iFM Bolton) | 31/05/2029 |
14/01/2025 04:07 PM | Safer Estates Contract- Neighbourhood Improvement, CCTV Service, Maintenance & Installation | Neighbourhood Improvement, CCTV Service, Maintenance & Installation. The Safer Estates Team manage, maintain and operate 89 CCTV systems made up of 735 cameras within Haringey's Housing Estates. The systems vary in scope and design. The primary use of the systems is to detect and tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. Prospective bidders will apply through Haringey Council Procurement Portal.https://s2c.waxdigital.co.uk/ProcurementLBHaringey/ | LONDON BOROUGH OF HARINGEY | 12/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 11:27 AM | Market Engagement Event for Extra Care Housing Care & Support Services in Bromley | The London Borough of Bromley is re-commissioning the Care and Support Services within 3 of its Extra Care Housing schemes and is holding an market engagement event on Wednesday 12th February 2025 at the Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, Kent. BR1 1AS. The objectives of the market engagement event is to support the London Borough of Bromley: - Gain insight into market capacity - Understand innovative approaches to service delivery with Extra Care Settings. - Facilitate dialogue on best practices, challenges and solutions. - Encourage collaboration between providers and commissioners. - Influence the type of service and method of procurement. Details for attending this event can be found on the Proactis e-tendering portal. | London Borough of Bromley | 10/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 11:10 AM | Proposed New Cemetery Tingewick Road, Buckingham | New Build Construction of Cemetery and Allotments, including New Access Road off Tingewick Road, New Burial Plots, Allotment Space and Associated Infrastructure.Tender Return: The Form of Tender, completed pricing document and any other supporting documents that you see fit, are to be returned to Buckingham Town Council no later than 12noon on 10 February 2025 electronically to ku.vo1738918578g.ct-1738918578mahgn1738918578ikcub1738918578@sred1738918578net1738918578. Tenders received after this time may not be considered.Please note any queries during the tender process must be emailed directly to Sonny Wilson at CS2 Limited ku.oc1738918578.2sc@1738918578nosli1738918578wynno1738918578s1738918578 The Tender package can be downloaded from the following location: https://we.tl/t-TNxlBFgn8N | Buckingham Town Council | 10/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 10:29 PM | HAR6019 The demolition of the existing St George's Leisure Centre and other associated structures | and the completion of design and construction of a new build leisure facility and an 8-storey residential building delivering 29 new homes | The London Borough of Tower Hamlets | 25/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 06:06 PM | Water Hygiene Quality Monitoring Services | The Provision of Water Hygiene Quality Monitoring Services Swindon Borough Council invites expressions of interest from water hygiene qualified and experienced service providers to carry out water hygiene quality monitoring.Project DescriptionSwindon Borough Council (SBC) wishes to engage a service provider to carry out water hygiene quality monitoring both within the borough of Swindon and a residential activity centre in Powys, Wales, inline with regulations.The initial contract term will be for 3 years with an option to extend for a further 4 years (2 periods of 2 Years) for a potential total contract term of 7 years as stated in the ITT documents.Estimated contract spend is between £450,00 - £465,000 across the initial 3 year contract term. With an estimated contract spend across the potential total 7 year contract term of between £1,050,000 and £1,085,000.Full details relating to the services are provided in the tender documents.To participate, Suppliers will need to Register as a Supplier with ProContract, www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk, then Register an Interest before obtaining access to the tender documents. In the event of difficulties registering as a supplier, please refer to the System Administrator Proactis support team moc.s1738918578itcao1738918578rp@sr1738918578eilpp1738918578uStca1738918578rtnoC1738918578orP1738918578Tender clarifications to be submitted in writing via Messaging in ProContract tender portal by 3rd February 2025 15:00 hrs UK Local time. The Council's responses to these clarification questions will be issued periodically on the ProContract tender portal.Tender Responses are required to be submitted no later than 13th February 2025, 15:00 hrs UK Local time via ProContract tender portal - https://www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk/Please note that this project has been advertised on Find a Tender Service (FTS) Contract Notice/Contracts Finder/ other web portals, however, Supplying the South West Portal, https://www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk/ is the only portal that includes all the relevant documents required to respond to this opportunity, bearing Project Id: DN758642No Tender submissions will be considered without completing the tender documents in full including attachments and returning them in alignment with the instructions within the tender documents. | Swindon Borough Council | 13/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 05:33 PM | ESPH NB HBC Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP) (ESPH680 JB) | Hastings Borough Council (HBC, the Council) have successfully bid to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to provide 25 accommodation placements with support through the Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP). It is anticipated that the Contractor will enter a contract with Hastings Borough Council for the provision of the service specified within the Contract Period April 2025 to 31 March 2028. The purpose of the project is to provide accommodation with support in Hastings to adults with histories of sleeping rough who have a high level of support need. Over the next three years this project will work to accommodate and prevent these individuals from returning to rough sleeping by providing them with accommodation and supporting them move on to secure and settled housing. The purpose of the programme is to provide a stable environment from which support staff can implement holistic support plans to provide a secure and sustainable housing pathway in collaboration with housing, health, and other public services. The council is seeking a contractor to deliver the housing management and tenancy support element of the programme, to manage the units and assist the individuals living there, both in their accommodation and within the wider community. Full details are included in the document set. | Hastings Borough Council | 19/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 03:05 PM | NFCC Executive Leadership Development Programme - NFCC00003 | The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) is seeking to appoint a supplier to deliver a programme of leadership training. The training will be aimed at aspiring and existing senior leaders within the Fire and Rescue Service and from other sectors.The current programme-known as the Executive Leadership Development Programme (ELDP)-is delivered through five four-day residential face-to-face modules, in partnership with an accredited UK academic institution. Currently following successful completion of the ELP candidates are awarded a Post-Graduate Certificate-level qualification.The ELP is intended to enhance individuals' leadership capabilities, allowing them to explore and address key strategic issues confronting the Fire and Rescue Service. The existing programme is designed so that learning from the classroom provides sustained and applied benefits to confront current and future challenges. These challenges can be personal and organisational in nature.The full specification can be found on page 30 of the attached ITT. | NATIONAL FIRE CHIEFS COUNCIL LIMITED | 28/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 12:09 PM | Invitation to Tender - Ability Housing Association - External Audit Services | Ability Housing Association is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliver External Audit Services. The Contract will be for an initial term of three years with an option to extend for a further three years, subject to performance and at Ability's discretion. | Procurement For Housing | 05/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 12:00 PM | JV North Contractors Framework | JV North is intending to establish a framework for use by its current and future members for the provision of new build houses, flats and bungalows. The framework may also be used for conversion of existing buildings and/or remodelling works with an estimated value of up to £1,000,000. The predominant type of construction work will be affordable new build houses, flats and bungalows although occasionally some conversion / remodelling contracts may be included. Construction works may also include, associated public realm works, and infrastructure together with buildings associated with sustainable neighbourhoods and may include commercial small-scale enterprise and regeneration. These will only be required as part of the overall residential development opportunity. The primary purpose of this Framework is new build housing. | JV North Limited | 03/03/2025 |
13/01/2025 10:31 AM | Phototherapy Equipment | Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust are looking to purchase: 1 x MGC Lamps N-LINE PRO CABIN / UVB 311 or equivalent 1 x NMC Lamps N-LINE PRO CABIN UVA or equivalent 4 x Goggles 40 x UVA Tubes (compatible with the above). 40 x UVB Tubes 3 years' service plan for each machine - PPMBidders are to submit the following information to ten.s1738918578hn@2l1738918578lewop1738918578.lein1738918578aD1738918578 by the 24/01/2025 at midday. • Quotation for the above requirement. • Equipment brochure. • PAQ (Procurement Acquisition Form) • Proof of equivalence to the above equipment if it is proposed to supply other makes / models. • Details and cost of service plan options. • Lead time from receipt of order. | Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust | 24/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 07:10 PM | Fire Strategies | The requirement is to produce comprehensive 'Fire Strategy' reports for specific existing buildings listed within this document at HMNB Portsmouth and its surrounding sites. Important: An NDA will be issued as part of this Tender pack. The suppliers will be required to sign and return the NDA before the Statement of Requirements documents are issued to them.Important: The fire strategists shall be qualified as follows: • Degree qualified and be Members or Fellow Members of the Institute of Fire Engineers, with professional qualifications. • Minimum of 10 years' experience in the field of 'Fire Strategy' reporting based on existing buildings. • Experience in the production of Fire Strategies for Complex and High rise buildings (HRBs).Site visits are scheduled from the 20th of January through the 23rd of January. | KBS Maritime Ltd | 14/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 05:37 PM | Temporary Agency Staff (Care Homes) - C8840 | Anchor Hanover are looking for an outsourced partner to provide temporary staff across c121 Care Homes as and when required.This tender is for a Neutral Vendor only solution and NOT a Master Vendor or local agencies. If you are a not a Neutral vendor then please feel free to contact your preferred Neutral Vendor to partner with.The ITT will be one lot only and will cover the following roles - Healthcare Assistant; Team Leaders; Housekeeper & all Catering rolesThe contract duration will be an initial 3 years duration with an option to extend for up to a further 2 years (3 years 1+1).This will be a restricted procedure and the SQ and ITT will be run at the same time.The supplier will have to complete both the SQ and the ITT and submit at the same time.Anchor will score all SQ responses and will shortlist the top 5 highest scoring suppliers that will be invited to the ITT stage. Anchor will only score the top 5 suppliers ITT responses.Anchor will reserve the right to moderate the scoring after presentation (the presentation brief will be for the suppliers to bring to life their written ITT submission).To register on Anchor e-sourcing platform before the tender goes live, please visit the following link: https://anchor.my.site.com/ProSpend__eSourcing_Community_Registration?locale=ukOnce the opportunity goes live ( 3rd Feb 2025) you will be able to join the opportunity via the following link : https://anchor.my.salesforce-sites.com/?searchtype=ProjectsThe tender will go live on 3rd Feb 2025, however you wont be able to see any documentation until this date. | Anchor Hanover Group | 03/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 04:35 PM | Provision of Organisational Development, Training and Wellbeing Framework | Cumberland Council employs approx. 4,500 staff. The focus of this Procurement is the Council's 4,500 workforce training requirements. There also may be a requirement for some external partners of the council to access training. Integral to this approach to procuring learning and development is the Council's intent to ensure that all staff can access high quality learning and development opportunities, but also to ensure there is job role specific training around the safe, legal and compliance requirements within Cumberland Council, and supporting recruitment and retention strategies. There will be a specific element around social value. Delivery may be at a local level to ensure accessibility, however there is an expectation that all staff will receive a consistent opportunity and quality of provision irrespective of where they are geographically located. Providers will need to operate in a flexible way to ensure access to training provision for staff based across the County.The Services have been divided into the following work packages (Lots): Lot 1 - Health, Safety and Wellbeing Lot 2 - Place, Sustainable Growth and Transport Lot 3 - Adults Social Care and Housing Services Lot 4 - Care Services Lot 5 - Children's and Families Services Lot 6 - Professional ServicesPlease see the Tender Documents for further information available via The Chest. https://www.the-chest.org.uk/ . For support using the Chest, please contact Proactis, using the Supplier Support area. For clarifications, please ensure all correspondence is via The Chest using the messages area. The contract term is a maximum of 4 years, this is based on an initial 3 year term plus 1 optional extension of up to 12 months. | Cumberland Council | 10/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 04:30 PM | Expressions of Interest for Management of the Blakehay Theatre | Weston-super-Mare Town Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably experienced and qualified organisations to undertake the management of the Blakehay Theatre, Wadham Street, Weston-super-Mare. The organisation will need to have proven and demonstrated experience in similar projects and the wide-ranging skill bases to achieve the various elements required to ensure the running of the theatre is successful which includes but is not limited to: programming of performances in line with community desires, income generation, site management, performance facilitation, marketing to include social media and managing bookings, working with existing staff teams and stakeholders.The Blakehay Theatre, a converted church, was first opened in 1986. The main house seats 207 patrons, the studio can seat up to 100, and the theatre bar 45. The accessibility of the theatre has been maximised following capital improvements in 2021 which included the installation of a second ramp, and additional level access dressing rooms on the ground floor. The main house is accessible for a small number of wheelchair users, and the bar is fully wheelchair accessible. The studio remains inaccessible by wheelchair users as a result of the inaccessible nature of the building, and lack of ability to put a lift into the building. more information can be found on the Blakehay Theatre website, and will be available at the tender stage.The aspiration of a partnership model, would be to drive financial performance and increased use, ideally resulting in a reducing subsidy over a 5-year period. As such, the organisation who is chosen must provide a business model that is ambitious and based on proven experience of past income generation and audience development.Organisations from whom Weston-super-Mare Town Council procure goods and services must demonstrate that all practicable steps are being taken to allow equal access and equal treatment in employment and service delivery, as appropriate to the nature of the contract. Following a decision made by Weston-super-Mare Town Council in July 2020, the Council is committed to working with organisations who pay the Real Living Wage to their employees. Weston-super-Mare Town Council will evaluate the Expression of Interest submissions received, and shortlist qualifying organisations to invite submit a proposal. Registration of interest does not imply inclusion on the tender list. Tender information will be issued mid February 2025.The evaluation will be in accordance with the following criteria. An aggregate of 4 or more fails will automatically result in exclusion from the tender list.full details continued in attached document. | Weston super Mare Town Council | 14/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 04:05 PM | Modular Offsite Construction (Supply of New Build Dwellings) | Procurement Assist Limited is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60 month Dynamic Purchasing System for Modular Offsite Construction (Supply of New Build Dwellings). The DPS will be available for use by iFM Bolton and the whole public sector from across the United Kingdom. The DPS initial application period is 30 days but will remain open until 31 May 2025. Applications from service providers can be made at any time during this period. The DPS is intended to be a fast route to market for Clients, with Clients not needing any further engagement with OJEU procurement processes. Procurement Assist is publishing this Notice of Amendment made pursuant to the original Notice 2020/S 082-194732 to extend the DPS to 31 May 2029. The remaining information in relation to this DPS is unchanged. | Procurement Assist Limited c/o Integrated Facilities Management Bolton Ltd (iFM Bolton) | 31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 03:40 PM | Site Services (New Build) | Procurement Assist Limited is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60 month Dynamic Purchasing System for Site Services (New Build). The DPS will be available for use by iFM Bolton and the whole public sector from across the United Kingdom. The DPS initial application period is 30 days but will remain open until 31 May 2025. Applications from service providers can be made at any time during this period. The DPS is intended to be a fast route to market for Clients, with Clients not needing any further engagement with OJEU procurement processes. Procurement Assist is publishing this Notice of Amendment made pursuant to the original Notice 2020/S 084-199953 to extend the DPS to 31 May 2029. The remaining information in relation to this DPS is unchanged. | Procurement Assist Limited c/o Integrated Facilities Management Bolton Ltd (iFM Bolton) | 31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 03:30 PM | New Build Contractors (Offsite Construction, Delivery & Install) | Procurement Assist Limited is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60 month Dynamic Purchasing System for New Build Contractors (Offsite Construction, Delivery & Install) The DPS will be available for use by iFM Bolton and the whole public sector from across the United Kingdom. The DPS initial application period is 30 days but will remain open until 31 May 2029. Applications from service providers can be made at any time during this period. The DPS is intended to be a fast route to market for Clients, with Clients not needing any further engagement with OJEU procurement processes. Procurement Assist is publishing this Notice of Amendment made pursuant to the original Notice 2020/S 084-199965 to extend the DPS to 31 May 2029. The remaining information in relation to this DPS is unchanged. | Procurement Assist Limited c/o Integrated Facilities Management Bolton Ltd (iFM Bolton) | 31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 12:16 PM | FRAMEWORK FOR SMOKE ALARMS AND ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS (2025-29) | West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority ("the Authority") is conducting this procurement using the Open Procedure in accordance with the requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 for the purpose of procuring the Goods described in the Specifications. This multi-supplier Framework Agreement is for the supply of Smoke Alarms and Associated Products to include but not limited to stand alone smoke alarms, interlinked smoke alarms, vibrating pads and strobes for the hearing impaired, carbon monoxide and heat alarms and a customer support service. The framework is designed to meet the needs of UK Fire and Rescue Services for use in residential premises. Through the establishment of this framework agreement all UK FRS's will have the capability to place direct call off orders with the winning suppliers for these products. | West Midlands Fire & Rescue | 26/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 12:13 PM | RFQ - Street cleansing consumables | We are seeking permission to procure the street cleansing consumables required for the council to provide the newly insourced street cleansing service. The street cleansing service is being brought back inhouse having been delivered by an external contractor since 2017. The new service will commence on 1st April 2025 but we require the supplies to be on site by 24th March 2025.The products required need to meet the following brief:The items will be used to deliver the street cleansing service, allowing for Merton to be kept clean, tidy and safe for residents and visitors of the borough.Trigger litter pickers are needed as part of the service, the product needs to be sturdy and lightweight. They also need to prevent over stretching and bending of front-line staff.Wide broom heads are needed for clearing large debris, such as leaves, rubble, soil and mud on uneven surfaces.Hard broom heads are needed for clearing large debris such as leaves, rubble, soil and mud on uneven surfaces.Flicker brooms (for mechanical sweepers) are needed to help clean small spaces such as junction boxes and channels. The broom can also be used to sweep dirt onto a shovel for easy disposal.Shovels to be used in conjunction with brushes to help with moving detritus into barrows. Shovels need to be relatively lightweight and strong, as well as producing limited noise and damage when scraping against a pavement.Broom handles are needed that can fit multiple brush heads, allowing for sustainable repairing of items such as brushes and shovels.Snow shovels will need to have a wider base than a normal shovel to help with clearing leaves and snow.All items will need to be delivered by 24th March 2025, with a view to ordering new supplies as and when required throughout the life of the contract. | London Borough of Merton | 07/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 12:11 PM | Ocean Housing External Condition Surveys | External Condition Survey for External Grounds, External Elevations, Outbuildings, Garages & Internal Common Areas to Flat Blocks for Ocean Housing.Tender documents are available on the procontract.due-north.com procurement portal: https://procontract.due-north.com/ | Ocean Housing Group | 07/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 11:55 AM | HAC6055:Mental Health Supported Living Services | This is a new procurement project which will seek to provide supported accommodation to 29 residents with serious mental illness. The services will have a strong focus on supporting service users with their journey towards recovery and independence, providing support that is tailored and flexible and delivered in accordance with individual's needs. Services will be provided as part of the Authorities duties under the Care Act. This is an in-borough service that has 29 mixed gender units, of which 21 offer high support and 8 offer low support. High support provides a higher number of direct support hours per week to services users in order to support recovery and stabilisation. Service users then move along the pathway into a lower support setting with enabling increase independent recovery management and allowing for the development of tenancy sustainment skills. The service is available to adults over the age of 18 who will have been subject to detention under the Mental Health Act. The procurement documents are available unrestricted and free of charge at: https://www.londontenders.org/procontract/supplier.nsf/frm_home?openForm&Login | Tower Hamlets | 14/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 11:24 AM | Void Works | VOID/25/1 Ashford Borough Council is looking to procure a contractor to provide void refurbishments. Works may include minor and major works accordingly. The Contractor is responsible for carrying out works to a number of empty Council owned dwellings (voids) to bring them up to the empty property standard to enable re-occupation by new tenants. The works will be carried out to individual properties of differing house, flat and bungalow types in various locations in the Borough of Ashford area. Procurement documentation can be accessed via the Kent Business Portal https://www.kentbusinessportal.org.uk/ | Ashford Borough Council | 10/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 11:22 AM | FDIS - Arbroath External Refurbishments to 20 properties - FY2025/26 - Amey North Region - Scotland | Arbroath Ext Refurbs to 20 properties - North Region - ScotlandBrief Scope of Works • New replacement roof coverings including ARC eaves insulation • Loft Insulation • Finlock gutter partial removal plus associated lintel insertion • Soffits/fascias and RWG replacement. • Chimney demolition • Itemised new external doors & windows • Itemised replacement outhouse/garage personnel/store doors & windows • Replace all cast iron SVP and wastepipes • External render decoration • Minor electrical works • Dedicated On Site Liaison OfficerAmey have been tasked by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation through the Future Defence Infrastructure Service to deliver the Regional Accommodation Maintenance Service for the Central and North Regions.For Amey to accept any Expression of Interest it is ESSENTIAL that any subcontractor is: • willing to act as Main Contractor (essential requirement); • a member of Constructionline at GOLD LEVEL 3; • capable of working to MOD SFG20 (Pre-Planned Maintenance works only); • capable of working in a Building Information Management (BIM) Level 2 environment (where applicable); • compliant with DefStan 05-138 (required if you are likely to handle MoD Identifiable Information on your IT system); • willing to work with Amey to deliver Social Value to our Client. DESIRABLE attributes of our Supply Chain: • have a Corporate Social Responsibility policy; • have a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery PlanIf successful the subcontractor will need to pass a pre-qualification questionnaire, sign up to Amey Terms and Conditions, and meet the MoD Security Requirements. This advert is for Expressions of Interest (BY EMAIL ONLY) - from the responses and our existing subcontractor data base we shall compile the tender list.Tender packs will follow separately via our e-tender portal (Curtis Fitch).Note 1: The bidder must quote for all aspects of the Works. Note 2: Future works of a similar nature may be negotiated based upon submitted rates. Note 3: To comply with The Public Contract Regulations 2015 or Procurement Act 2023, those making an Expression of Interest may be required to sign-up to our 'Sub-contract Agreement' where 'Mini Competitions' or 'Call Offs' may be used to tender works/services. Note 4: For complex projects such as External Wall Insulation installation, Structural works etc. it is a requirement that the bidder must carry Professional Indemnity Insurance cover of not less than £1,000,000.This opportunity is also advertised on Constructionline. | AMEY DEFENCE SERVICES LIMITED | 24/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 11:07 AM | Gleneagles - First Fix Joinery | 2.1. Kingstown Works Limited (KWL) was established in 2006 and undertakes Building Maintenance and Construction work within Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire.2.2. KWL is a Company controlled by Kingston upon Hull City Council as defined in Section 68 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.2.3. KWL are seeking a supplier to provide building materials for a new build site of 27 Houses at Gleneagles Park, Hull, it is expected that work will commence in June 2024 with works expected to be completed November 2025. More details of the expected completion date of the project will be provided during the pre-start meeting with the successful supplier.3. SPECIFICATION3.1. We are seeking to appoint one supplier for the design and supply detailed below:3.1.1. Lot 1 - CLS Timbers Estimated Value £15,000Various sizes totally 850Lm3.1.2. Lot 2 - Staircases Estimated Value £30,00027no. Staircases to 6 different designs3.1.3. Lot 3 - Plywood & OSB Sheeting Estimated Value £4,500Various types and gauges totally 383sqm3.1.4. Lot 4 - Flooring Chipboard Estimated Value £17,000Various, types and gauges totally 1114sqm3.1.5. Lot 5 - MDF Timber Estimated Value £25,000Various skirting and window board3.1.6. Lot 6 - Loft Hatch Estimated Value £6,750Prefabricated insulated loft hatch; Access Panels; Approx size 725x550mm; including all trimming and fittings as manufacturers package.Please email for a copy of the tender pack. | Kingstown Works Ltd | 31/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 10:00 AM | Roofing Replacement Program | To provide roof covering replacement services to the below operational area for Westward Housing Group. Works to include and not be limited to:• Pitched Roof covering replacements • Flat roof covering replacements • All construction works associated with a roof replacement • Other external repairs as required or present at the site. • Delivering on all elements of the agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA) The tender is divided into five Lots by geographical areas. A direct award will be made for each area with no limit on number of lots submitted that can be submitted and won.Lot 1 West Cornwall to Bodmin (all TR postcodes) Lot 2 Mid & East Cornwall and Plymouth (all PL postcodes) Lot 3 South Devon (all TQ postcodes) Lot 4 East Devon and Tiverton (EX1-17, EX24, & TA20-21) Lot 5 North Devon (EX18-23 & EX31-39) | Westward Housing Group | 07/03/2025 |
10/01/2025 07:21 AM | Pin - Concession Contract - Void Utility Management Provider | Procurement of a Void Utility Management service, for an external company to manage the disconnection and reconnection of residential utility services in Hackney void properties. | London Borough of Hackney | 10/04/2025 |
09/01/2025 09:26 PM | e-ITT for the provision of Gas Servicing, Maintenance and Installation for Fareham Borough Council | The Council is seeking a single contractor to maintain, service, replacement of heating and hot water systems for Fareham Borough Council's Housing Properties and Public Buildings | Fareham Borough Council | 10/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 05:08 PM | Tender for Dacorum Borough Council's Responsive Repairs, Cyclical Maintenance and General Build Services | This Council is seeking a single Service Provider to provide Responsive Repairs, Cyclical Maintenance, General Build Services and a Customer Services Centre as outlined below: General and specialist repairs Preventative maintenance Void services Capital / Planned works Fire Safety works minor works Groundworks Minor estate improvements Social Housing Development Fund Disabled Funding Grants (DFGs) separate to Disabled Adaptations Garage refurbishment Customer Services Centre (core and out of hours) The Council is undertaking a two-stage competitive tendering process using the Restricted Procedure to select its Preferred Potential Supplier. The procurement exercise will be conducted in accordance with "Regulations", advertised on "Find a Tender", Contracts Finder and Supply Hertfordshire. The duration of the Contract will be 5 years. Where appropriate, and subject to agreement, the Contract may be extended for a further 5 years to a maximum of 10 years with no further option to extend. The contract's estimated value for the full term (5-year initial term + 5 year-extension) is between £395,454,308.80 to £457,454,308.80. Please be aware that the estimated values above are not guaranteed and may differ/change throughout the term of the contract. These figures are based on anticipated spend. However, the Council is expecting efficiencies throughout the whole term of the contract. All documents can be obtained through Supply Hertfordshire In-Tend - https://in-tendhost.co.uk/supplyhertfordshire/aspx/Home | Dacorum Borough Council | 14/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 04:48 PM | Hawkwood Road Redevelopment - Main Build | The construction of 68 residential flats and a medical centre over three buildings, creation of a new park, bike stores, refuse bin stores, associated parking, any highway works required and all associated hard and soft landscaping at the main Hawkwood Road car park, Boscombe. BH5 1BY. | Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council | 16/06/2025 |
09/01/2025 03:18 PM | Request for Quotation for a Housing Benefit Subsidy Claim Auditor, HBAP Reporting Accountant, 2025/26 - 2027/28 | The Council is seeking a Reporting Accountant to undertake the audit of its Housing Benefit Subsidy claim for the financial years 2025/26 to 2027/28, in accordance with the Department for Work and Pensions,DWP, Housing Benefit Assurance Process HBAP. | Cheltenham Borough Council | 06/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 02:15 PM | Stoke Ferry - 29 Dwellings, 29 Lynn Road, Stoke Ferry | The Contract comprises; the construction of 29 Dwellings comprising:- ï‚· 4No. one bedroom houses for rent [M4(2)] ï‚· 1No. two bedroom house for rent [M4(1)] ï‚· 4No. two bedroom houses for shared ownership [M4(1)] ï‚· 4No. two bedroom houses for rent [M4(2)] ï‚· 2No. two bedroom houses for shared ownership [M4(2)] ï‚· 5No. three bedroom houses for rent [M4(1)] ï‚· 1No three bedroom house for shared ownership [M4(1)] ï‚· 4No. three bedroom houses for rent [M4(2)] ï‚· 2No three bedroom houses for shared ownership [M4(2)] ï‚· 2No. four bedroom houses for rent [M4(2)] including all associated external works, parking, access roads, services and drainage. | Freebridge Community Housing Limited | 21/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 02:10 PM | Homes England - Newburn Riverside Scrub Clearance 2025 | Homes England is seeking to appoint a competent Supplier to undertake vegetation scrub clearance at the Newburn Riverside site, Newcastle.The Supplier is to price for the Services broadly outlined below. The Supplier must ensure that they have read and understand the requirements of the contract as outlined in Contract Drawings, Specification, Terms and Conditions of Contract, Pricing Schedule, and Supporting Appendices.Services include but are not exclusively limited to the following activities:• Responsibility for coordination, supervision and administration of the Service with all parties; • Establishment and maintenance of the Supplier's compound, offices, welfare facilities and storage area. Any compound used for storage of plant, equipment, materials, and substances will be lockable and fenced off behind security fencing with sufficient clearance space and gated access points. The location of the compound will be agreed with the Contract Administrator at or prior to the pre-start meeting and may be on or off site for the duration of the contract. Removal of the Supplier's compound, offices, welfare facilities and storage area on Completion; • Undertaking of all operations in accordance with the Scope of Services and Specification; • Undertaking of all operations in accordance with the general health and safety policy of Homes England and all relevant health and safety legislation; • Prior to commencement of any Services confirmation that all necessary consents have been obtained and given to the Contract Administrator; • Removal of all materials from site; and • Demobilisation.Other activities required for the completion of the Services include but are not exclusively limited to the following:• Preparation of a contract programme and provision of updates as required; • Provide within sufficient time to allow Commencement of the Services by the specified date the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan, to include details on traffic management, Quality Management, Emergency Preparedness etc.; • Risk Assessments and Method Statements for all elements of the Services; and • All necessary reporting as outlined within the Scope of Services. | Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency) | 31/01/2025 |
09/01/2025 01:52 PM | Flooring Works | Flooring works including Housing and Void properties | Your Homes Newcastle Ltd | 10/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 11:47 AM | Land and Property Services | The Land & Property Team requires professional support to acquire the land and property needed for the land assembly. This includes advice on all property related matters including: consultation along the line of route, consents and land access rights, mapping and land referencing, valuations; surveys; associated reports; support the Development Consent Order and ability to source specialist expertise such as advice on the negotiation of detailed Heads of Terms; and preparation and presentation of a business case for approval to acquire properties (in whole or in part) as per the draft Development Agreement and current Delegated Authority letter from the DfT, management of acquired sites and disposals.Please return to the form via email to ku.oc1738918578.liar1738918578tsewt1738918578sae@p1738918578ilihp1738918578.ahsi1738918578ak1738918578 with the subject heading: 'Land and Property Services Questionnaire', if Jaggaer doesn't allow you to upload. | East West Rail | 24/01/2025 |
09/01/2025 11:10 AM | West Carr Housing Footpath Improvements | Hull City Council (The Authority) is seeking tenders from interested organisations to provide footpath improvement works for West Carr area, Kingston upon Hull. The tender is an open procedure consisting of a one stage process. The contract is anticipated to commence 24 March ending by 30 May 2025 with no option to extend. The Authority has estimated the value of the works to be £200,000 overall. The estimated value is given in good faith to assist tenderers in making their submissions, it should not be interpreted as an undertaking to purchase any goods, services or works to any particular value by the Authority and does not form part of the Contract. Further information is contained within the Scope of Works. Please ensure all tender submission documents are completed as detailed. Incomplete bids will be eliminated from further process. | Hull City Council | 12/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 11:05 AM | Workwear (Care Home) - C8834 | Anchor Hanover Group has 120 care homes throughout England. The garment range required will cover the following roles:-Management -Health Care Assistants -Team Leaders -Catering -Housekeeping -GardenerThe supplier will be expected to manage forecasting and processing order requests from Care Homes.The supplier will have a UK based help line to support customer inquires.The supplier ideally will have a combination of UK based and international manufacturing options.The supplier will be expected to provide the workwear catalogue via the Advanced Cloud Marketplace (Anchor's chosen e-catalogue provider).To register on Anchor e-sourcing platform before the tender goes live, please visit the following link: https://anchor.my.site.com/ProSpend__eSourcing_Community_Registration?locale=ukOnce the opportunity goes live ( 3rd Feb 2025) you will be able to join the opportunity via the following link : https://anchor.my.salesforce-sites.com/?searchtype=ProjectsThe tender will go live on 3rd Feb 2025, however you wont be able to see any documentation until this date. | Anchor Hanover Group | 03/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 10:06 AM | Supported Living at Brickfields - Market Engagement Activities | Brighton and Hove City Council is developing a new supported living service in Hove. The new development in Ingram Crescent, Hove will provide 28 self-contained flats for people with physical disability and acquired brain injury. The building will be wheelchair accessible throughout, have communal space and facilities for staff on site. The construction of the site is due to be completed in Spring 2026.Following Market Engagement activities carried out in February 2021, the Commissioning team warmly invite potential support providers and Registered Providers (landlord function) to take part in our Market Engagement Event for the support service. This is not an invitation to tender.We wish to invite interested Registered Providers (landlord function) to a site visit which will be at 11am on Wednesday 5th February 2025.There will then be an in person event at Hove Town Hall from 1pm to 2.30pm for both Registered Providers and support providers. Unfortunately, refreshments and lunch will not be provided, so please bring your own. There is a coffee shop at the front of Hove Town Hall and nearby shops where you can buy lunch if needed.The purpose of the event will be to: - Share with you our strategic vision and priorities for the service - Share our vision for the building and model of partnership working with a Registered Provider (landlord function) - Update on the proposed procurement route and indicative timetable - Foster connections between support providers and Registered Providers (landlord function) - Discuss social value and sustainability priorities for the council - Hear your views on the project and route going forwardA key element for the procurement of this service will be for a support provider and Registered Provider (landlord function) to be in a partnership. Support providers and Registered Providers (landlord function) will both be invited to this event with contact details shared afterwards. If you do not wish for your organisation's details to be shared, please indicate this to us when registering.Please note that attendance will be limited to one attendee per organisation. If your organisation fulfils both the support provider and landlord function, you may register two attendees for the Hove Town Hall afternoon session (with one attendee for the site visit).Potential Registered Providers and support providers wishing to attend these events should express interest via email (to ku.vo1738918578g.evo1738918578h-not1738918578hgirb1738918578@sekw1738918578ah.ei1738918578ddaM1738918578) by 5pm on Thursday 30th January. A registration form will then be sent and should be completed and returned by midday on Monday 3rd February. | Brighton & Hove City Council | 05/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 09:55 AM | Gas Suppression System Upgrade | The John Paul Getty Jr Conservation Centre (known as Conservation Centre) in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire houses major elements of the BFI's irreplaceable National Collection of Film and Television (Stills Posters & Special Collections) meaning early detection and a quick reaction of any fire situation is critical to ensure the safety of this collection. This ITT seeks to find a contractor to replace the cylinders for 3 x Individual standalone gas suppression systems within three storage vaults along with any related alterations to pipework & outlet nozzles. | BFI | 13/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 09:33 AM | Intermediate Care Beds for Lewisham | South East London Integrated Care Board (SEL ICB) Lewisham Borough are seeking to procure 14 Intermediate Care Beds for Adults aged over 18 years who are registered with a Lewisham GP and reside in Lewisham. The main service outcome will be to deliver a 14 bed based Intermediate Care bedded rehabilitation and reablement unit, providing nursing and HCA support element to the service to people who are medically optimised at the point of discharge but still requiring nursing due to the acuity of their clinical presentation. The therapy input for this service will be delivered by the Lewisham and Greenwich Trust (LGT) Therapy Team, with support from the Provider's staff to achieve the patient rehabilitation outcomes. The provider will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of the year and ensure there is adequate staff to support patients in the beds. The maximum length of stay in these rehab beds is six weeks, during which time the service aims to improve the patient's functionality and physical ability. Anticipated service outcomes include a measurable improvement in patient functionality and reducing the risk of an avoidable hospital admission. The contract has a maximum value of £989,000 per annum, for each year of the contract. The contract will be for an initial period of three years, with the option of a two year extension. Interested organisations must express an interest and submit a tender via Atamis e-tendering portal by the deadline stated in the Invitation to Tender documents. Bidders needs to register on Atamis if they are not registered already. This can be done by clicking the link below: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome Once registered, you can express an interest in this project by clicking the following the link to this specific project ; https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome (Contract Reference: C326701), or alternatively click on the link https://atamis-1928.my.salesforce-sites.com/ProSpend__CS_ContractPage?SearchType=Projects&uid=a07Sr00000MbJXZIA3&searchStr=&sortStr=Recently+Published&page=1&filters=&County= This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt the provisions of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 does not apply to this award.The Procurement is being managed by the NHS London Commercial Hub (NHS LCH) hosted by NEL ICB, on behalf of the Authority, in connection with a competitive Invitation to Tender (ITT) exercise that is being conducted via a competitive process under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. | N E L Commissioning Support Unit | 14/02/2025 |
08/01/2025 04:59 PM | Extra Care Housing Care & Support Services - London Borough of Sutton | London Borough of Sutton is re-tendering for a new contract under a block contract arrangement for the delivery of extra care housing care and support services to three designated extra care housing schemes in Sutton.The provision of extra care housing care and support services have been divided into the following Lots comprising of a specific number of flats and of a specific number of care hours per scheme for people eligible for services:Lot 1 - Belsize Court Lot 2 - Cloverdale Court Lot 3 - Dymond HouseTenderers are permitted to submit a tender for multiple Lots.Please see tender documentation for further details. | London Borough of Sutton | 07/02/2025 |
08/01/2025 04:17 PM | Extra Care and Care at Home PRINCIPAL providers | Cheshire West and Chester Council intend to merge previously two separate services (Care at Home and Extra Care Housing) into one Service to deliver on the Council's commitment to commissioning on a Strengths-Based and Outcome-Focused approach to deliver high-quality services and meaningful outcomes for people within the Borough.Providers delivering these services will work with the Council, with residents in receipt of care and with relevant stakeholders to evolve these care provisions, focusing on an enabling and reablement approach 'doing with not doing for', achieving Care Act identified outcomes, and enabling people to live a great life within their local communities.The new service will be delivered within seven geographical localities across the borough which is reflective of our Community Social Work Teams to strengthen working relationships between the Council's Social Work and Occupational Therapy Practitioners and the Care Provider's workforce.Each of the seven localities will have one Principal Provider (previously referred to as Prime Providers) and a number of Associate Providers (previously referred to as Framework Providers). Each locality has at least one Extra Care Housing Scheme as part of its community. The Principal Provider will lead and deliver all care and support hours required within their awarded scheme from day one, plus a percentage of the Care at Home hours required within the local locality. As the borough is a geographical mixture of both urban and rural areas, each locality is impacted by differing levels of need and demand. Therefore, the percentage of Care at Home hours will be determined by the need and demand within each locality and care hours allocated to Principal Providers will be expected to grow naturally as current care packages evolve and new ones are commissioned.All remaining Care at Home hours available will be allocated to the Associated Providers - see DN741081 for tender pack for Associates | Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council | 04/03/2025 |
08/01/2025 03:55 PM | 22 Dwellings, Extons Road, Kings Lynn | The Design and Construction of 22 Dwellings together with all associated external works, services and drainage at Extons Road, Kings Lynn. | Freebridge Community Housing Limited | 07/03/2025 |
08/01/2025 01:30 PM | Pitched Roofing and Associated Work for Social Housing 2025-27 | Folkestone and Hythe District Council ("the Council") wishes to select and appoint a suitable supplier for pitched roofing and associated works and invites prospective suppliers to submit a Tender to meet the Council's requirements.The Contract is expected to start 1 April 2025 and continue until 31 March 2027 (with the option to extend for a further period (or periods) of up to 24 months).Interested suppliers can visit the Kent Business Portal (www.kentbusinessportal.org.uk) and search current opportunities for DN757311. To quote you must complete and return the "Invitation to Quote Response Document" via the portal. | Folkestone and Hythe District Council | 11/02/2025 |
08/01/2025 11:41 AM | Soft Market Test - Accommodation and Support for Single, At Risk, Homeless Women | Sheffield City Council would like to conduct a soft market test to understand the current market position for the delivery, provision and supply of Accommodation and Support for Single Women who are homeless, at risk of, or currently Rough Sleeping, alongside other support needs, with a focus on women that have experienced complex trauma. | Sheffield City Council | 21/02/2025 |
08/01/2025 11:24 AM | SLCP Refresh 2025 - Residential and Independent Fostering Agency Provision | THIS IS A TENDER OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW PROVIDERS TO BID TO JOIN AN EXISTING MULTI-PROVIDER CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENT. The South London Commissioning Programme (SLCP) established a multi-provider agreement known as Approved Provider Panel Agreement (APPA) in June 2020 for the delivery of residential and IFA services for children and young people aged 0 - 18years. The APPA has been established under the Light Touch Regime (LTR); the procurement rules applicable to the procurement of health, social and other services listed at Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This offers the flexibility to admit additional providers to increase capacity. This is the first refresh tender opportunity for suitably qualified providers to bid to join the APPA. The APPA has an initial term of 3 years with an option to extend for a further 5 years (2years +2years +1 year), unless otherwise terminated in line with the conditions of contract. The services under the APPA have been categorised into Lot 1: Residential Child Care Provision [Sub-Lots: Standard and Specialist] and Lot 2: Independent Fostering Agency Provision [Sub-Lots: Standard, Specialist and Emergency]. Please note: Lot 2 is open for new applications. The tender opportunity is open to Providers in England: rated 'Good or 'Outstanding' by Ofsted, Providers in Scotland: rated "good", "very good" or "outstanding" by the Scottish Care Inspectorate, Providers in Wales: registered with the Wales Care Inspectorate and Providers in Northern Ireland registered with the Northern Ireland Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (NIRQIA). The APPA will be accessed initially by the London Boroughs of Croydon and Lambeth. | London Borough of Croydon | 10/02/2025 |
08/01/2025 10:50 AM | Procurement Hub - Furniture and Furnishings Framework | Procurement Hub wishes to establish a Framework Agreement for a four (4) year term. Experienced suppliers are invited to submit Tenders for the framework agreement, which will encompass furniture and furnishings as defined by the CPV codes set out in the Contract Notice. This framework is divided into 5 Lots: •Lot 1 - Social/Supported Living •Lot 2 - Sheltered Accommodation •Lot 3 - Student Accommodation •Lot 4 - Office Furniture •Lot 5 - Multi Discipline Tenderers are permitted to apply for as many Lots as they wish. However, applicants for Lot 5 will need to be able to supply Lot 1 Social/Supported Housing, Lot 2 Sheltered Accommodation and Lot 4 Office Furniture to be eligible to apply for Lot 5 Multi Discipline. The service to be primarily conducted under the Furniture and Furnishings Framework is the supply of furniture for communal living areas, bedrooms and office spaces. To include armchairs, mattresses, sofas, drawers, dining tables, wardrobes, tables and chairs. In addition, accessories and soft furnishings, typically purchased are kitchen accessories, bedding, curtains, blinds, wall art, towels, lamps and small electricals. This list is not exhaustive and is intended as a guide to the typical furniture required. The furniture required can be broadly defined into a few categories; furniture suitable for long term tenancies such as sheltered accommodation and older person schemes, short term tenancies such as supported and student accommodation, along with office furniture. As the framework is also available to the wider public sector the providers must also be able to supply residential furniture suitable for use outside of the housing sector such as Govt departments, local authority, care and the NHS. The successful suppliers should also adhere to health and safety, waste requirements, fire safety legislation and involvement of local suppliers in supply chain and agreement to KPIs. In addition to providing furniture and furnishings, the successful suppliers must also be able to provide the following as part of their service depending on the Client's requirements: •Provide full range of products of contract quality •Purchase to pay catalogues •List of stocked items for fast delivery (maximum of 5-day lead time) •Provide a full turnkey service •Starter packs •Ability to source one off products •Rental and lease options •Delivery and assembly of furniture •Removal of old furniture •Professional interior design and project management service •Development of a scheme image with mood boards •Non-institutionalised •Knowledge of furniture to suit demographic •Involve customers in decision making process and steer them to make the right choices | Places for People Group Limited | 10/02/2025 |
07/01/2025 02:41 PM | Counselling for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Abuse | This specification invites providers to tender to provide a counselling service / talking therapy service for adults who have experienced domestic abuse and are living in domestic abuse safe accommodation in Sheffield. The provider will be required to deliver the following overarching requirements: • Delivery of a recognised therapeutic counselling service to all adults from 18 years of age living in safe accommodation as a result of domestic abuse. • Work alongside domestic abuse services to identify the needs of adults and create bespoke packages of counselling support. • Identify and respond to safeguarding risks in line with agreed local authority safeguarding policies. • Gather evidence of impact and report on agreed measures quarterly. • Contribute to and participate in learning for the city including attendance at key strategic /operational group meetings. | Sheffield City Council | 28/01/2025 |
07/01/2025 02:05 PM | Provision of Kitchen Supplies and Kitchen Surveys 2024/2027 | The Supplier shall supply mhs homes group with the materials required by its Kitchen Installation Team, as well as carry out surveys on kitchens for replacement. Full details contained within the specification. | mhs homes group | 07/02/2025 |
07/01/2025 12:50 PM | Mobile Communications | Greatwell Homes is seeking a sole supplier who can provide a comprehensive solution for their mobile connections to include handsets with corresponding warranties and sim contracts. The key objectives and required outcome of this contract are to make use of a reliable, cost-effective mobile telecommunications solution that supports Greatwell Homes' staff members in delivering great services to their customers. To increase services, efficiencies and improvements. To improve Customer and Staff satisfaction and achieve value of money. | Greatwell Homes | 14/02/2025 |
07/01/2025 12:38 PM | Stour Environmental Credits Ltd (a wholly owned company of Ashford Borough Council and Canterbury City Council) Seeks Nutrient Neutrality Proposals - Soft Market Testing | Soft Market Testing THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION We would like to take the opportunity to do some "soft market testing" as outlined below, to determine current interest levels in the market. This is very similar to the exercise completed by Ashford Borough Council approximately 12 months ago. What is the issue: Since July 2020, certain planning applications (those providing overnight accommodation, including new housing) located within the Stour catchment and/or which discharge foul water into the catchment, need to achieve nutrient neutrality through mitigation. Natural England have published some principles that the mitigation must meet. https://www.ashford.gov.uk/media/ifyljove/nn-principles-external-final.pdf Natural England has published and outlined a methodology on this issue and the regulations that any mitigation needs to achieve. https://www.ashford.gov.uk/media/d2cldooy/natural-england-nutrient-neutral-generic-methodology-issue-1.pdf In response to this issue, Stour Environmental Credits Limited is looking to innovate and identify ways to solve this problem and enable house building within the catchment. What do we need to achieve: We are looking for proposals that will deliver mitigation for both Phosphorus and Nitrogen that can then be applied to mitigate the impacts of development identified through the 'Appropriate Assessment' process as regulated by the Habitats Regulations. Mitigation achieved can be measured and priced per Kg. We would be interested to know your proposal in terms of; • Evidence that the idea complies with the Habitats Regulations • Examples of use elsewhere • Price per Kg of mitigation Interested respondents are required to submit their proposal by 10:00 Wednesday 5th February 2025 via the Kent Business Portal https://www.kentbusinessportal.org.uk/. If you have any questions for clarification, the deadline for submitting these is 10:00 Friday 24th January 2025. | Ashford Borough Council | 05/02/2025 |
07/01/2025 10:07 AM | AT1329 Wandon Park Housing Development - Meet the Buyer | Luton Borough Council is working on behalf of Foxhall Homes Ltd who propose to develop land at Wandon park, Haylings Drive, Luton, LU2 8DX, to provide a mix of 60 residential dwellings, consisting of 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-bedroom houses, and 2-bedroom maisonettes, external works, and associated services. The proposed scheme aims to deliver 28% affordable homes and 72% market homes which offer a high standard of sustainable accommodation set within an attractive landscaped environment. The proposal is vital to providing additional housing to meet Luton's housing need as identified in the latest Local Plan 2011-2031. The proposal shall be a mix of affordable and private units. The proposal has obtained Planning Permission (19/01233/FUL). Recently Luton Borough Council have made an additional Non-material Planning Amendment Application Ref 24/00169 to seek approval for some adjustments of plots 27 to 43, due to the revised gas pipe location. Foxhall Homes Ltd. seek to appoint a main contractor to develop the project to a RIBA Stage 4 design and Stage 5 Construction. The supplier shall act as a Main Contractor responsible for the design and construction of all units, associated external works, and statutory services/connections, operating under a JCT Design and Build Contract 2016 incorporating Special Conditions. Foxhall Homes Ltd is keen to work with a pro-active, client focused and intelligent contractor who can deliver excellent value, high quality products in a collaborative way whilst mitigating the impact on the town and neighbours. The Contactor is to be minimum BIM Level 2 compliant following ISO19650 standards. Details to follow appointment via BEP (post contract) & EIR (Exchange Information Requirements). All data will be shared through Autodesk Docs as the CDE (Common Data Environment) and approval/review workflows to be agreed from early stages. The supply chain is to follow with BIM Level 2/ ISO19650 compliance. The procurement for development is a two-stage process of which completion of the Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) is the first stage. Applications are welcome from anyone with relevant experience in delivering residential led development as a Main Contractor. Applications will be assessed a set of criteria and the top 5 scoring suppliers will be shortlisted to the second stage of the procurement process, the Invitation to Tender (ITT). If you would like to attend this even which will held via Microsoft Teams on Monday 27th January 2025 between 2-3.30pm please email ku.vo1738918578g.not1738918578ul@na1738918578mrutS1738918578.enil1738918578oraC1738918578 and you will be sent a calendar invite. | Luton Council | 27/01/2025 |
06/01/2025 05:45 PM | External Audit Services (Leeds Federated Housing Association) | External Audit Services | Leeds Federated Housing Association Ltd | 07/02/2025 |
06/01/2025 04:50 PM | SIP Gas Central Heating | The project comprises the planned works programme for the following to be undertaken in occupied properties: 1.0 Individual replacement of existing domestic type boilers, controls or radiators in General Needs properties 2.0 Full dwelling replacement of existing central heating systems complete in General Needs Properties 2 / 4 3.0 Individual replacement of existing commercial type boilers, controls or LST radiators in Livewell properties(including large multi-unit care home schemes) | South Yorkshire Housing Association | 06/02/2025 |
06/01/2025 04:39 PM | Procurement of a delivery partner for New Homes 6 | The Mayor and Burgesses of London Borough of Lambeth wish to appoint a delivery partner to enter into an agreement for the delivery of New Homes 6, providing the opportunity to develop out a number of council-owned residential-led development sites across the borough. | EU SUPPLY LIMITED | 10/02/2025 |
06/01/2025 04:06 PM | Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Boat Dweller Accommodation Assessment | Contract for Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Boat Dweller Accommodation Assessment Ref: WF2024/122 Wyre Forest District Council wish to appoint a Contractor to complete a Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Boat Dweller Accommodation. The appointment will be by way of competitive Tender via the Open procedure based on the Requirements and Specification set within the tender documents. The tender exercise is being carried out via e-procurement portal, ProContract-DueNorth. To gain access to the tender documentation, please visit the below website. Tenderers will need to submit an expression of interest and an electronic copy of the Invitation to Tender will be sent as an attachment. Any tender queries must be sent via ProContract Due-North's messaging functionality. - ProContract Due-North address: https://procontract.due-north.com/Login - Tender submission deadline: 11am, Friday 7th February 2024. If you have any problems gaining access to ProContract Due-North, please contact their customer support at https://www.proactis.com/uk/support/ | Wyre Forest District Council | 07/02/2025 |
06/01/2025 03:59 PM | Soft Market Test - Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Feasibility Study | THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION Leicester City Council has a statutory responsibility to provide safe accommodation for domestic abuse victims (adult and child). The responsibility is laid down in the Domestic abuse Act 2021. There are related duties in the Housing Act 1996 and the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act 2023. The provision of support is for all victims of domestic abuse including their children, regardless of their relevant protected characteristics, within 'relevant' accommodation (as defined by the Domestic Abuse Support (Relevant Accommodation and Housing Benefit and Universal Credit Sanctuary Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations 2021). The new duties (contained in Part 4 of the 2021 Act) on relevant local authorities aim to ensure victims of domestic abuse have access to the right accommodation-based support when they need it.The current model within Leicester City Council is to procure domestic abuse safe accommodation and related support services whereby the providers of the specialist support secure the accommodation from which their support will be delivered. They might own or lease this accommodation. This takes time, skill, knowledge, and resource to secure and can be a barrier to those organisations who might be interested in delivering specialist domestic abuse support. Within this model, the ability to expand units of safe accommodation is limited to what the support providers can source, and when, leading to higher placements in general needs temporary accommodation, with less support and higher cost.Leicester City Council, as lead for the Leicester Domestic Abuse Locality Partnership Board, would like to contract a consultancy supplier to establish if it would be in the best long-term interests of the Council to adopt an alternative method of delivering the domestic abuse safe accommodation provision, or continue as is. Prospective alternative models include: 1. Direct lease of suitable properties by the Council, which would be used by commissioned specialist support for the purposes of safe accommodation. 2. Adaption of existing Council properties to be used as safe accommodation by commissioned specialist support providers. 3. Acquisition (purchase) of suitable properties by the Council, to be used as safe accommodation, with specialist support commissioned to deliver from those premises. 4. A mixture of the above options or alternative model(s). | Leicester City Council | 06/04/2025 |
06/01/2025 02:21 PM | Dewsbury Market & Town Park | This project will see the refurbishment of the existing Edwardian Market Hall and Semi-covered Market as well as a new public realm space consisting of a flexible Outdoor Events Space and a Town Park.The estimated construction cost circa £15,000,000 - £17,500,000 plus VAT and the tender opportunity will be advertised as a restricted tender so this is a call for competition for any suppliers who wish to register interest.The works will broadly comprise of the following:1. Demolition of existing external market buildings 2. Indoor Market (Historical Building of Significance) 3. Semi Cover Market 4. Outdoor Market 5. New Buildings 6. Service Yard 7. New Town Park & Public RealmIf interested in the opportunity or wish to seek further information, then please access the opportunity on YORtender - https://yortender.eu-supply.com using the following information:Quote/Tender ID - 94551 Reference - KMCCD-045 - EOI - Dewsbury Market & Town ParkAs the Early Engagement notice is being published in January 2025, the Council reserves the right to procure under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 if the tender if published after 24th February 2025 as the Procurement Act 2023 will come into effect. | Kirklees Council | 17/01/2025 |
06/01/2025 12:52 PM | HIS House and Garden Clearances and related services | Homes in Sedgemoor is seeking an experienced contractor to provide a comprehensive removal and decluttering service for properties across its housing stock of approximately 4,200 homes within Somerset. The contractor will be responsible for the complete removal of items from properties and the disposal of waste in accordance with all current waste disposal laws and regulations.This tender is split into two lots: House clearance services Garden Clearance services and maintenance | HOMES IN SEDGEMOOR LIMITED | 10/02/2025 |
06/01/2025 12:00 PM | Cyber Security SOC & SEIM | Freebridge Community Housing requires an experienced company to provide and support, SOC and SIEM services to protect and ensure the security of it's networks. | Freebridge Community Housing Limited | 14/02/2025 |
06/01/2025 10:59 AM | Kent Innovation Centre IT Support and Maintenance Contract with Back-up Link | Thanet District Council wishes to select and appoint a suitable supplier for the provision of an IT Support and Maintenance service with a Back-up Link for the network at the Kent Innovation Centre, Broadstairs.The scope of this contract is to provide a fully outsourced and managed IT support and maintenance solution for both hardware and software elements within the KIC. The Kent Innovation Centre (KIC) is a set of managed office spaces over three floors, run by Thanet District Council (TDC) which provides fully serviced office accommodation, including meeting room space, internet provision and allows 24/7/365 access to its clients. The KIC currently has 34 different companies (Licensees) located in the building. A secure, stable and reliable IT infrastructure is of the utmost importance to the Council's Licensees to ensure continuity of service. The Contract is anticipated to commence upon 1 April 2025 for a duration of three years with one option to extend for a period of two years at the sole discretion of the Council.Important Information: All procurement documents are attached to the notice and available from Kent Business Portal (www.kentbusinessportal.org.uk) for suppliers to download and complete according to instructions contained. The procurement process will be undertaken on the basis of formal quotations. All quotations will be accepted subject to the bidder providing suitable responses to grounds for Mandatory and Discretionary Rejection and that minimum standards are met as set out in the Invitation to Quote document. Evaluation will be on the basis of criteria as set out in the Invitation to Quote document.Any clarifications or questions must be submitted via the Message area of the Kent Business Portal by no later than 14.00hrs on 31/01/2025Completed quotation documents must be submitted electronically via the Kent Business Portal by no later than 14.00hrs on 03/02/2025 | Thanet District Council | 03/02/2025 |
06/01/2025 10:40 AM | Dynamic Purchasing System for Installation and Repair Works (Midlands) | Procure Plus are a value focused, not for profit company that specialises in the procurement of goods and services related to both the new build, repair, and maintenance of social housing.Procure Plus wishes to procure and enter into a DPS agreement for the completion of planned installation and repair works in the Midlands. The works will predominantly be undertaken in social housing properties but may also be carried out in other public buildings. The DPS operates in such a way as to separate the completion of the works covered by the DPS, from the procurement of the materials required, as described within the procurement documents.Contractors who are admitted to the DPS and who are subsequently awarded an underlying contract will be required to interact with and source certain materials from the suppliers who are appointed to other Procure Plus framework agreements (which are each subject to a separate procurement and contract notice).Contractors who are admitted to the DPS and who are subsequently awarded an underlying contract will also be expected to share Procure Plus's commitment to social value, and specifically the creation of training and employment opportunities for individuals who are furthest from the labour market, groups that are underrepresented within the construction industry or individuals that may otherwise be overlooked or marginalised within the labour market. | PROCURE PLUS HOLDINGS LIMITED | 05/01/2029 |
06/01/2025 10:25 AM | BFI Member Welcome Pack Print & Mail | The BFI is looking to update the Welcome Pack which is sent to all new and renewing BFI Members and requires a single supplier to provide all services required.   There will be a total of 27,000 mailed per year, across the year, in varying amounts with the biggest month being September at approx. 3,000 units. The pack includes one A5 170gsm cardboard 'envelope' and 2 x insert cards, all printed double sided CMYK on silk stock, in bulk (22k), plus one degradable, printed membership card.  | BFI | 31/01/2025 |
03/01/2025 07:18 PM | PIV unit & Extractor fan supply & installation | West Lancashire Borough Council requires support from external Contractors with skilled tradespersons to assist in supplying, fitting, repairing and maintaining Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) units and Extractor Fans, in order to address damp issues in social housing homes. | West Lancashire Borough Council | 03/02/2025 |
03/01/2025 04:38 PM | Contract 90 Housing Planned Electrical Works 2025-2027 | The Authority is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors to enter into a framework agreement (Framework) for the delivery of its Contract 90 - Housing Planned Electrical Works (2025 - 2027)The Authority will be the Principal Contractor and the successful Framework Contractor(s) will be acting as Sub Contractor to The Authority.The Framework arrangement will consist of an initial term (period) of 2 years, with 2 further options to extend up to 12 months each at the sole discretion of the Authority.The Scope of Works includes: replacing distribution board, upgrading earthing and replacement of electrical accessories with kitchen upgrades, installation of Mains Operated Smoke Detectors, extract fans and associated Works.This Framework Contract will ensure availability of skilled Contractors to deliver the Works requiring differing values and complexities as required for the Framework Contract. Successfully awarded Contractors will be required to work together with North Tyneside Council (the Authority) to drive improvements and support the aims and ambitions of the Contract. Following this tender exercise, it is envisaged that 3 Contractors will be appointed to the Framework.Interested bidders must access the Tender documents for further information which are available to download immediately after registering your interest in this opportunity via OPEN https://open-uk.org/opportunities | NORTH TYNESIDE COUNCIL | 31/01/2025 |
03/01/2025 12:48 PM | Enhanced Mental Health Pathfinder (EMHP) - Market Engagement Event and Networking Opportunity | NHS England London Region (hereafter referred to as "The Authority") invites interested, suitably qualified and experienced providers to attend a Market Engagement Event in advance of publication of Enhanced Mental Health Pathfinder (EMHP) Services across London.The Authority is seeking to procure an alliance of delivery partners for a pan-London EMHP service for victims and survivors of sexual abuse or assault with complex trauma related mental health needs.The main service outcome will be to increase access, reduce fragmentation and work collaboratively across sectors to address the identified barriers within the pathways, and between statutory and voluntary sector service providers.The EMHP will be a partnership or alliance of service providers working together to deliver the service specification including clinical support, training and development and creating a network of partners.Key objectives of Pathfinders are to: o create and improve pathways and partnership working approaches to the benefit of individuals with complex trauma related mental health needs associated with sexual assault and abuse; o improve access to professionals trained in identification of, and appropriate response to, complex trauma related mental health needs associated with sexual assault and abuse; o for individuals with complex trauma related mental health needs the primary aim is to reduce complex trauma related symptoms and improve quality of life (improve individual wellbeing, reduce mental health symptomology, minimise harm and re-traumatisation, improve functioning (including social and occupational) and support healing and recovery); o encourage establishment of trauma-informed systems that have impact beyond this service; o build evidence base for the value of new approaches.Core principles of pathfinders for adult victims and survivors of sexual assault and abuse with complex trauma related mental health needs:1. Reduce fragmentation in services and increase access to professionals competent and confident in identifying and responding to the needs of adult victims and survivors; 2. Every interaction matters. Promotion of trauma-informed and strengths-based approaches that acknowledge the need for personalisation, collaboration, and choice; 3. Focus on collaboration and co-production.Market Engagement:To test assumptions and proposed service requirements, a market engagement event will take place to explore the market's feedback on the following areas:• Outline of service requirements and key outcomes; • Timescales for procurement and mobilisation of the new contract; • Proposed contract duration and financial model; • Networking opportunity with providers.The Authority plans to hold an interactive engagement event on Wednesday 19 February 2025 from 10:30 - 14:00 at Wellington House, Lower Ground, 133 - 155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UG.Maximum 2 attendees per organisation.Registration closes at 12:00pm (Noon) on 10 February 2025. | N E L Commissioning Support Unit | 10/02/2025 |
03/01/2025 11:15 AM | P2247 Provision of Responsive Repairs & Maintenance Services, Planned Programme and Investment Works to Council Housing Stock | Birmingham City Council is seeking to appoint four Contractors (one for each geographical Lot) for the provision of Responsive Repair & Maintenance Services, Planned Programme and Investment Work relating to the Council's housing stock. The contract will be for a period of 10 years with the option to extend for one further period of five years. The Council wishes to establish a Contract to provide a day to day repair service, (including 24 hours cover for emergency repairs); repair work to void properties prior to re-letting; planned maintenance and improvement programmes; repair and maintenance service to sundry servicing items; gas and heating installations; electrical testing; the potential of some retrofit works to the Council's housing stock to reduce carbon impact, disabled adaptations; inspection services; planning supervisor services; design specification; work planning and quality control, together with resident relations and the appropriate financial and administrative support. | Birmingham City Council | 14/02/2025 |
03/01/2025 10:35 AM | Ageing Well Care Homes Framework (Round 5) | Nottinghamshire County Council (the 'Authority') is seeking to add further experienced Providers of care home services (not individual care homes unless the Provider operates a single care home only) to their Framework Agreement. The Framework Agreement will be used to establish 'Call-off Contracts' with Providers who offer placements to older individuals, usually aged 65 and over, in CQC registered establishments located in Nottinghamshire (including Nottingham City). | Nottinghamshire County Council | 17/02/2025 |
02/01/2025 12:02 PM | Homes England - Housing Market Intelligence Data | Homes England requires quality, spatially referenced market intelligence data that will allow us to provide evidence to support data-led decision making and inform housing policy within Homes England. This in turn will assist us when working with our stakeholders to ensure we deliver mixed-use places that create value and benefit local communities, and that local places are effectively supported to deliver on their regeneration ambitions.In 2021, Homes England ran an open competition to procure market intelligence. The current contract comes to an end in March 2025. We are aiming to award the new contract prior to this date.The original specification has been amended and expanded to ensure that we can gain the best insight into housing and commercial markets.The Procurement is split between 4 Lots. Lot 1 contains both mandatory and discretionary elements.Supplier must bid on one lot as a minimum but can choose to bid for any combination of lots or all lots. Lots will be awarded to the top scoring supplier for each individual lot.We are seeking to commission the supply of intelligence covering the following data themes:Lot 1 - Housing Market Automated Valuation Model (AVM) and Automated Rental Valuation Model (ARVM) Housing Characteristics Sales Transactions Rental TransactionsLot 2 - Housing Demand Housing Demand indicators Demand demographics - who is searching for housing? Affordability indicatorsLot 3 - Mortgage Applicants Where applicants are currently living and what is their budget for different property types?Lot 4 Commercial Data Health of the high street Size of commercial market Tenants Quality of spaceOpportunity can be accessed via the following link;https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=86332408-22c1-ef11-8133-005056b64545 | Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency) | 03/02/2025 |
24/12/2024 12:01 PM | OPR004 Integrated Residential and Nursing 2025 | This is a notice for social and specific services in accordance with directive 2014/24/EU Article 74 Health, Social and related services. ECC are tendering two call-off contracts, one using ECC terms and conditions and the other using NHS Terms and conditions. This framework is broken down into 3 lots: Lot 1 -Care in a residential setting without nursing for Social Care funded Adults predominantly but not exclusively aged 65 and over commissioned by ECC using ECC terms and conditions, this will be operated using a Preferred Supplier Ranked List Lot 2 -Care in a residential setting with nursing for Social Care funded Adults predominantly but not exclusively aged 65 and over, commissioned by ECC using ECC terms and conditions, this will be operated using a Preferred Supplier Ranked List Lot 3 -Care in a residential setting with nursing for NHS funded Adults predominantly but not exclusively aged 65 and over commissioned by ICBs using NHS terms and conditions. | Essex County Council | 11/02/2025 |
24/12/2024 10:39 AM | CA15096 - Catering Services - Retirement Living | Karbon Homes are looking for a Catering provider to provide services to our Extra Care Schemes at present and future Care Schemes which are currently under development, the meals will be prepared on site in our fully facilitated kitchens.Includes Lots: Lot 1: Lot 1 - Elms and Manor Lot 2: Lot 2 - Weavers Court & St Georges Lot 3: Lot 3 - Hebburn Gardens & Benton Road Lot 4: Lot 4 - Leazes, NewcastleTo access this competition:Registered: Login to https://suppliers.multiquote.com and view the opportunity CA15096.Not registered: Visit https://suppliers.multiquote.com then register and quote CA15096 as the reason for registration.Any queries please contact MultiQuote on 0151 482 9230. | Karbon Homes | 07/02/2025 |
24/12/2024 08:38 AM | Body Worn Video Cameras and a Data Management System | WYFRS wish to purchase a number of Body Worn Video Cameras for use on front line appliances, operational personnel and Prevention and Protection staff. there will be an initial purchase of 240 units, however during the term of the contract there may be the need to purchase ad-hoc units as and when required. The provision also includes the need for a Data Management System to facilitate the use and storage of software and relevant data for video and still images and also includes a system support service. A repair and maintenance service for the hardware will also be included in the contract. | BlueLight Commercial | 27/01/2025 |
23/12/2024 05:45 PM | Linking Levisham Hydrological and Geomorphological Assessment | Undertake an assessment of the Linking Levisham project area, produce a hydrological model, and identify opportunities to restore the project area. | North York Moors National Park Authority | 31/01/2025 |
23/12/2024 03:10 PM | Emergency Dangerous Structures Framework | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (the 'Authority") on behalf of itself and the following authorities comprising the London Dangerous Structures Consortium: the London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Bexley, Brent, Bromley, Camden, Croydon, Ealing, Enfield, Hackney, Hammersmith and Fulham, Haringey, Harrow, Havering, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Islington, Lambeth, Lewisham, Merton, Newham, Redbridge, Richmond upon Thames, Southwark, Sutton, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Wandsworth, City of Westminster, Corporation of the City of London, Royal Borough of Greenwich, Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (member of the LDSA - London District Surveyors' Association), plus Dartford Borough Council, and Spelthorne Borough Council (the 'Consortium') invites Tenders for the appointment of one supplier to an Emergency Dangerous Structures Framework Agreement (the 'Framework Agreement'). The Authority on behalf of the Consortium requires a Contractor with the capacity and track record to provide rapid response (attendance within 2 hours), emergency shoring and remedial works to dangerous buildings and structures (this could include boarding windows to major shoring operation of large high-rise buildings) on a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year basis across the Consortium's geographical area encompassing all of London, plus Dartford and Spelthorne. It is proposed that this framework would start on the 1 April 2025 running for a period of 4-years to the 31 March 2029. The Contractor may also be asked to provide planned maintenance or planned works as and when required. | The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | 31/01/2025 |
23/12/2024 01:17 PM | Supported Living Services for People with Learning Disabilities | This tender which is for care and support services at the six supported living sites for adults with learning disabilities for a term of 3 years with the option to extend by yearly periods up to a maximum of 2 years (3+1+1) as outlined below:Lot 1: Learning Disabilities Supported Living Service at Preston Road and Woodhill Crescent Lot 2: Learning Disabilities Supported Living Service at Beechcroft Gardens and Manor Drive Lot 3: Learning Disabilities Supported Living Service at Gladstone Park Gardens and Ruby StreetPlease refer to individual contract values which are listed in the Specifications for each Lot.The six sites are dedicated to serving vulnerable adults with a learning disability, and or those diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum disorder. This will include some tenants who present with behaviour that may challenge. The services were designed to provide supported living accommodation which enable service users to live more independently, promote their wellbeing and reduce the potential of having to move to more restrictive forms of care, such as residential care services.All six sites are existing services with existing service users living at the properties.The opportunities have been developed on the basis of geographical proximity and number of units. | London Borough of Brent | 07/02/2025 |
23/12/2024 10:53 AM | Organisational Development Training Programme | The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is seeking an external supplier to deliver a programme of development at Organisational Development (OD) practitioner level that collectively builds the skills and capability for a group of approximately 15 individuals.Delegates for this programme would include the full OD team (7) together with Senior Colleagues from our Learning and Development Team (7/8).We are open to proposals regarding the content of the programme however we would anticipate the following to be covered: Current theories and practices within OD Systems thinking Self as instrument (including building self-awareness) Stakeholder engagement and relationship building Culture change Data gathering approaches and analysis in relation to understanding the organisation including large group work. Power in organisations Group dynamics and facilitation approaches (large and small group) Internal consultancy Psychological Safety and working in a virtual world.Whilst we are open to the use of technology to support and enhance the learning, we do have a requirement to support group/ team development within this new team. We therefore anticipate this being delivered in part through a modular in-person environment away from our office environment ideally with a residential element to enhance team dynamics. As we are a national organisation this could be delivered anywhere in the countryLearning transfer is important to us, so we also require experimentation and appropriate OD work to be built into the programme and completed between modules with the purpose of practical application of the new skills and knowledge in a safe environment.The Contract will be for an initial period of 12 Months with an option to extent for up to 3 Months.Contract Reference: CQC RCCO 154Updated 30.12.2024 - Due to an internal error, access to procurement documentation was not available via the Atamis e-sourcing portal https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome when the Contracts Finder notice was published on 23/12/2024. The issue was identified earlier today, and supplier registration is now open on Atamis, with access to the procurement documentation restored at 12:13 PM on 30/12/2024. This update notifies interested suppliers that registration to view the procurement documentation is now available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.Updated 14.01.2025 - Due to a technical error VCSE's remained unticked, this issue was identified and we have now ticked the VCSE's option for this procurement. | Care Quality Commission | 06/02/2025 |
23/12/2024 10:51 AM | Cambridge City Council - Employment Advice Provision for the Homeless | Paid employment can be a highly effective and sustainable route out of homelessness and a way of preventing it from occurring in the first place. It can break the repeated cycle of homelessness that many people experience. Whilst gaining employment alone may not completely eradicate homelessness, it is an important factor in addressing the issue. Employment provides individuals with the means to secure or maintain their housing and to become more financially independent, it can offer a pathway to stability and security, as well as health benefits. To achieve this end, the provision of advice and support for those who are homeless or at risk of losing their home, to help them find work or to gain the qualifications, work experience, confidence and job skills needed to secure paid employment, is very important. On this regard, the Council is seeking to award a contract for the provision of Employment Advice Provision for the Homeless. | Cambridge City Council | 22/01/2025 |
21/12/2024 04:31 AM | Framework Agreement for the Provision of 16+ Supported Accommodation Services | The London Borough of Enfield (the 'contracting authority') is inviting suitably qualified providers to participate in the procurement process for setting up a lotted multiple supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of its 16+ Supported Accommodation Services. The aim of the 16+ Supported Accommodation Services is to provide supported accommodation that promote independence and preparation for adulthood for 16-17-year-old children in care and 18-25-year-old care leavers.The Service is divided into 13 (thirteen) Lots. Successful participants will be able to participate in providing more than one Lot, as appropriate. However, only up to two bidders will be appointed under the two Block Booking Lots. Bidders may apply for and participate in the provision of more than one Lot of the rest of the Lots, subject to the terms of the Framework Agreement. However, only up to 25 Bidders will be appointed under these Lots. From those applying for Block Booking Lots, only those ranked up to two will be awarded the Framework Agreements.The proposed Framework Agreement is for an initial term of 3 years. The contracting authority, at its absolute sole discretion, may exercise an option to extend the Framework Agreement at the end of the initial term for a further one (1) year period subject to the terms of the Framework Agreement and satisfactory performance of the framework providers.The estimated total contract value for the thirteen (13) Lots, plus any required additional support hours, is approximately 28,000,000.00 GBP over the 4 years period (including optional extension). The estimated total values for each Lot are: Lot 1 = 16,800,000 GBP, Lot 2 = 1,400,000 GBP, Lot 3 = 280,000 GBP, Lot 4 = 280,000 GBP, Lot 5 = 1,400,000 GBP, Lot 6 = 280,000 GBP, Lot 7 = 5,600,000 GBP, Lot 8 = 280,000 GBP, Lot 9 = 280,000 GBP, Lot 10 = 280,000 GBP, Lot 11 = 280,000 GBP, Lot 12 = 280,000 GBP, and Lot 13 = 280,000 GBP. £280,000 is expected to be spent on additional support hours that might be purchased across all Lots as necessary throughout the terms of the Framework Agreement.There will be no form of exclusivity or volume that is guaranteed under the resultant Framework Agreement and the contracting authority will be entitled to enter into other contracts and arrangements with other suppliers for the provision of any, or all, of the requirements which are the same as, or similar to those specified under the established Framework Agreement.The procurement is being run as a two-stage process with a pre-selection stage using the core elements of the Standard Selection Questionnaire. A second stage, where shortlisted candidates will be invited to tender will follow. Therefore, during the first stage of the procurement, candidates ranking up to 5 will be shortlisted and invited to bid for the Block Booking Lots and candidates ranking up to 35 will be shortlisted and invited to bid for the rest of the Lots, based on the total scores the candidates achieve in Te | London Borough of Enfield | 30/01/2025 |
20/12/2024 04:44 PM | Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Services | Lincolnshire County Council is inviting tenders to establish a contract for the provision of Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation services in Lincolnshire. The contract specifically pertains to the provision of domestic abuse specialist support. The Supplier will be responsible for sourcing, managing and maintaining the accommodation in which the support will be delivered, and for providing the associated support. The Council is flexible in the Supplier's approach to gain and maintain suitable accommodation so that they can undertake the requirements of the contract, as long as there is sufficient availability of service and accommodation throughout Lincolnshire and the accommodation meets the definition of safe accommodation within the Domestic Abuse Act (2021). The Council will not be responsible for the funding of accommodation settings in which support is provided as part of this contract. | Lincolnshire County Council | 28/01/2025 |
20/12/2024 02:54 PM | NHS SY ICB - Rotherham Place - Dementia Cares Resilience Service | The aim of the Service is to build the resilience of Carers (of people with Dementia) to maintain their caring role for as long as they choose and thereby reduce inappropriate admissions to hospital or premature admission to long term residential care. | NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board | 29/01/2025 |
20/12/2024 02:38 PM | HAR5969: Estate Management Services | The main objective of this procurement exercise is to appoint an accredited and qualified Chartered Surveying firm to provide estate management professional services support to the Council's Asset Management team. The service requirements are broken down as follows.Lot 1 - General Estate Management Activities (Estimated Value - £790,000)This lot will primarily focus on lease renewals and rent reviews including the option to procure other services including;• Agency and lease management • Surveying and strategic advice • Estate, asset and property management • Rent reviews lease breaks & lease expiries • Lease renewals & lease regear • Lease consents • Lease surrender & regrant • Dilapidations • Wayleaves & easements • Licences for alteration and landlords consentCurrently individual instructions are raised via RFQ to a variety of suppliers for distinct pieces of work. In some circumstances these will be bundled. In order to reduce future contact administration Asset Management are looking to appoint a single supplier to undertake all instructions.Lot 2 - Estate Management Activities relating to Ben Jonson Road and shops at Mile End (Estimated Value - £100,000)• General estate management and advice including service charge management and collection, rental management and collection and ad hoc advice relating to the leases. The Council will retain the right to request support with the lettings of property where required. | Tower Hamlets | 31/01/2025 |
20/12/2024 02:08 PM | Door Entry Systems - Repairs and Maintenance | We wish to commission an appropriate qualified company to maintain and repair either through own work force or a third party (all) types of Door Entry Systems across our housing stock on a 24hr / 365 days a year including emergency call out. Approximately 300 blocks across Essex and neighbouring post codes. My of the Post codes are CM and SS | CHP | 31/01/2025 |
20/12/2024 01:53 PM | MDDC202404-005 - Glazed Unit Replacement Contract 2025 - 2029 | Replacement of defective window panes throughout MDDC's housing stock. | Mid Devon District Council | 20/01/2025 |
20/12/2024 01:16 PM | Building Repairs at Fort Cumberland | Houses 1-2: o Remedial works, including slate roof repairs, strip and recovering slate roofs (asbestos slates) including renewing rafters, leadwork to repair the roof above room 118, minor repairs to rainwater goods, repairs to windows and necessary work on the chimneys, render to south elevation and necessary works to chimneys. o Repair of internal fire doors o Room 118: Interior decoration Houses 3-4: o Remedial work, including slate roof repairs, renewing existing roof light Garage / Cookhouse: o Remedial works, including repairs to roof and windows, and repair to internal fire doors. Budget: o ?135k (excl. VAT) Timescales: o 6 weeks construction period, must be completed by end of March 2025 | Historic England | 20/01/2025 |
20/12/2024 12:07 PM | VIVID - Responsive Roofing Repairs | Provision of responsive roofing repairs across all of VIVID's housing stock. | VIVID | 07/02/2025 |
20/12/2024 07:38 AM | Construction Management, Detailed Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning for the Installation of Air Source Heat Pumps and Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Cells and all other associated works at Didcot Wave Leisure Centre and Park Sports Centre in South Oxfordshire | The works associated with the decarbonisation projects at Didcot Wave Leisure Centre and Park Sports Centre include the removal of existing boiler plant assets and replacement with ASHPs and the addition of Solar PV, low flow temperature distribution systems, heat emitter upgrades and other associated works. The tender for Design & Build contractor/s will be under a two-stage procurement process - initially with PCSA award only - to develop the Brief provided for both properties to RIBA Stage 4 and to provide tender costs with Value Engineering, if needed, to achieve the budget and to allow early vested purchase of equipment to maintain the programme and the grant spend requirements. There will be some fabric works to the roof and cavity wall insulation measures at Park Sports Centre, designed by others, that will need to be completed under the PCSA once the location of ASHPs has been finalised. There will be some external works at Didcot Wave associated with the assessment of space utilisation for ASHP housing. | South Oxfordshire District Council | 22/01/2025 |
19/12/2024 11:25 PM | Great Waltham Playground Refurbishment Project | SECTION A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BID A.1 GENERAL INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS Great Waltham Parish Council ("Council") is seeking quotes from suitably qualified contractors to provide and install play equipment The playing field is an established leisure facility which is well used by members of the public. The field includes a fenced play area for children, containing various items of play equipment. However, many of the items are constructed of wood and now require additional maintenance because of their deteriorating condition. The Council has resolved to replace those existing items which will soon need to be decommissioned for safety reasons, and will look to instal replacements made of metal rather than wood to both extend their working lives and reduce future routine maintenance costs.The Council invites qualified contractors ("Bidders") with proven and demonstrable experience in the delivery of similar projects to tender for the provision of new modern play equipment suitable for children up to at least the age of 12 in the play area, including utilisation of the existing mound feature, seating for supervising adults and all-weather pathways between items of equipment to facilitate all year-round use. A small number of existing items made of metal (see Section B - Specification) may be retained and should be incorporated into the new overall design. Bidders should focus on play values, inclusivity, sustainability and value-for-money, taking account of the Council's detailed specifications which have been based on user consultations. The Council anticipates the play area to be completely closed while the works are being completed and the Bidder is expected to be responsible for security of the works within and the boundary of the site during this time. In addition, because of the proximity of the site to neighbouring residential properties work should be restricted to daylight hours between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm and follow these additional limitations: • Monday to Friday, 7.00 am to 8.00 am - Light work only, and no excessively noisy work. • Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm - Light work only, and no excessively noisy work. • Saturdays, 8.00 am to 1.00 pm - All types of work permitted. • Saturdays, 7.00 am to 8.00 am & 1.00 pm to 7.00 pm - No work that can be heard beyond the site's boundary. • Sundays and Bank Holidays - No work that can be heard beyond the site's boundary. Work outside of these hours will only be permitted with prior permission from the Council. A.3 CONFIDENTIALITY A.3.1 The Bidder must treat bid documentation as private and confidential. A.3.2 The Bidder must not disclose to third parties: • details of the proposed Contract; • their bid in whole or in part prior to the award of the Contract by the Council; • receipt of notification that their bid has not been accepted as | Great Waltham Parish Council | 31/01/2025 |
19/12/2024 05:49 PM | Provision of Electrical Repairs, Maintenance and Testing of Non-Housing Properties | Chesterfield Borough Council is seeking a suitability qualified contractor to carry out electrical repairs, maintenance and testing of non-housing properties throughout the geographical area of the Borough.The contract term is initially for 2 years with the option to extend for x 12 months periods | Chesterfield Borough Council | 24/01/2025 |
19/12/2024 03:43 PM | INTENSIVE TENANCY SUPPORT FOR VULNERABLE HOUSEHOLDS | Gosport Borough Council is inviting contractors to submit a tender for the provision of intensive support to vulnerable families, single adults and non-dependent households where there is a risk of homelessness due to chaotic or anti-social behaviour. | Gosport Borough Council | 27/01/2025 |
19/12/2024 03:26 PM | Sumner House - Window Replacement | Progress Housing Group are looking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to supply and install replacement windows at their Head Office, Sumner House 21 King Street, Leyland as per the attached specification. The property will be occupied, and this should be taken into consideration when completing the works. The Contractor will need to be fully compliant with all Health and Safety regulations and any other industry requirements.Site Visits All contractors MUST visit site to view\\measure the works required prior to submitting a tender. The Facilities Manager will be in attendance at the address for inspection on Monday 13th January 2025 between 11.00am and 3pm. Only this date and time will be made available for internal inspection. Please email ku.gr1738918578o.puo1738918578rgsse1738918578rgorp1738918578@stto1738918578md1738918578 to confirm your attendance on this date. Failure to visit site and report in with the Facilities Manager will result in your tender being invalid.To review the documents and submit a response for this opportunity please visit www.housingprocurement.com | Progress Housing Group | 24/01/2025 |
19/12/2024 03:06 PM | DGM/2057 - Munition Packaging Service | a) APMT intend to contract the requirement of the provision of a 3-year contract to support the future and ongoing supply of the Munition Packaging Service. The Authority requires a suite of the following:b) The range of munitions packaging in scope covers approximately 60 container types, and associated internal packaging, ranging from pallet sized Unit Load Specifications (ULS) for artillery ammunition to Small Arms Ammunition Containers and other common user items. The packaging catalogue can be broadly ranged from the high value, low volume to the low value, high volume.c) Any waste generated because of the processing, refurbishment, stock management and obsolesce must, once approved by the PT, be disposed of in the most cost effective and environmentally friendly manner. More detail provided within Areas 1 and 9. This process should be affirmed within an Environmental Management Plan and Disposal Management Plan. Wherever possible options should contain a 'gainshare' solution that will see value returned to the Authority.d) To maintain visibility of the complete Supply Chain and its inventory, a warehouse stock management system must be used to manage inventory quantities, works in progress status, condition, and location. All stock must be accounted for using a recognised NATO Stock Number (NSN) or drawing number if an NSN is unavailable. Any newly manufactured or procured items will be codified by the Authority in accordance with DEFCON 117.e) This SOR scopes out nine major areas which are core obligations that must be supported:Area 1 - Refurbishment:Area 2 - Post-Design Services:Area 3 - Sourcing and Procurement of Internal Packaging:Area 4 - 1814kg NATO 2 Tonne pallets and Pallet Tray:Area 5 - Container Security Seals:Area 6 - Warehousing:Area 7 - Recycling:Area 8 - Procurement of new ammunition containersArea 9 - Project & Contract Managementbidders can bid for 2 lots, either all of the areas above or area 8 only.Access the DPQQ via the Defence Sourcing Portal (DSP) | Ministry of Defence | 21/03/2025 |
Source: UK Contracts Finder
Social Value in Social Housing & Accommodation
Incorporating social value into tenders for the Social Housing & Accommodation sector demonstrates an understanding of the broader role that housing plays in society. Emphasis is placed on creating sustainable, supportive communities where residents can thrive.
How to Make Your Bid ‘Stand Out’ in Social Housing Sectors
CCS Frameworks &Â Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) in Social Housing & Accommodation
CCS frameworks are pre-established agreements that detail terms and conditions for suppliers, making the procurement process faster and more efficient. In Social Housing & Accommodation, these frameworks often facilitate the streamlining of services and procurement processes while ensuring consistent standards and best practices. A Dynamic Purchase Systems (DPS), whilst similar to an electronic framework agreement, there is more flexibility because suppliers can join at any time.
Supplier & Contract Opportunity Examples
Public Sector & Private Sector Contract Bidding Potential
Find more social housing & accommodation contract bids, public sector links to the private sector, supply chain dynamics, partnerships, subcontracting, CCS & DPS frameworks, and public sector funding.
Suppliers in the social housing and accommodation sectors can benefit from both public procurement and private sector contracts. Key areas include supply chain dynamics, partnerships, public funding, subcontracting, CCS & DPS frameworks, and compliance with procurement regulations. These opportunities enhance business prospects, drive innovation, and support sustainability.
Supply Chain Dynamics
The supply chain in social housing and accommodation involves materials procurement, construction, maintenance, and services. Effective management ensures quality, safety, and timely delivery. Organisations seek public and private contracts with suppliers of construction materials, maintenance services, and logistics providers.
Example: A housing association contracts a supplier for eco-friendly building materials, detailing quality standards, delivery schedules, and pricing.
Public Sector & Private Sector Contract
Businesses, NHS, Local Authorities & Housing Association Contracts
Public sector, NHS and local authority contracts ensure transparency and fair competition. Private sector contracts from companies like housing associations are often funded by the government or local authorities, which also offers the private sector greater access to opportunities. Public funding supports government initiatives including disability and accessibility facility enhancements, sustainability and innovation, with companies adhering to procurement rules.
Example: A housing provider receiving a grant publishes a contract for the installation of solar panels on social housing units.
CCS Frameworks & DPS Frameworks
CCS (Crown Commercial Service) frameworks and DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) frameworks provide structured procurement routes for public sector contracts. Suppliers can join these frameworks to access long-term contract opportunities and a wide range of public sector clients.
Example: A supplier of building maintenance services joins a CCS framework to provide services to local councils, ensuring streamlined procurement and consistent business. Similarly, a company specialising in energy-efficient heating systems secures long-term contracts through a DPS framework to supply equipment to housing providers.
Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaborations drive innovation and competitiveness. Suppliers can engage in joint ventures, partnerships with public sector organisations, and strategic alliances to improve service quality and efficiency.
Example: A construction company partners with a social housing organisation to develop affordable, energy-efficient housing solutions, enhancing sustainability and living standards.
Specialised suppliers handle tasks like construction, repairs, and maintenance. Private companies with large public contracts may subcontract parts of the work to specialised suppliers.
Example: A housing developer subcontracts plumbing and electrical work to companies specialising in those trades.
Public Procurement and Compliance
Suppliers must comply with procurement regulations, ensuring transparency and quality. This involves engaging in transparent tendering processes, adhering to quality standards, and ensuring value for money.
Example: A company bidding for a public contract to refurbish social housing demonstrates compliance with building regulations, competitive pricing, and transparent procurement processes.
Bidding & Tendering Processes in Procurement