Tendering Pharmaceutical Bids – Find Contracts Free
How to Bid for UK Contracts & Find Procurement Opportunities in Pharmaceuticals & Pharmacology
Contract opportunities for pharmacology and the pharmaceutical sector seek to procure services that represent a cornerstone in global health. Bidding and tendering in this industry demands an intricate process that necessitates a balance between scientific innovation, regulatory compliance, and value-driven offerings. With medicines and therapeutic solutions affecting countless lives, the weight of responsibility is substantial. For organisations aiming to secure contracts, demonstrating a keen understanding of drug efficacy, safety, distribution chains, and cost-effectiveness becomes essential. Successful tender outcomes rely heavily on the ability to provide evidence-backed drug solutions, rigorous quality assurance, and an understanding of the global health landscape.
Bid Consultancy, Support & Bid Writing
Bid Consultancy & Bid Support for Pharmaceutical contracts with Tender & Bid Writing Services ensure a comprehensive and precise tender submission to position your business as a valuable partner in this sector.
Supplier & Contract Opportunity Examples
- Drug Manufacturing and Production: The core of the pharmaceutical industry, encompassing the creation, testing, and mass production of medicines for various ailments and diseases.
- Clinical Trials: Critical stages of drug development, involving testing new medications on selected groups to assess efficacy and safety.
- Drug Distribution: Ensuring the consistent, safe, and efficient distribution of medications to pharmacies, hospitals, and other healthcare institutions.
- Research and Development (R&D): The forefront of pharmaceutical innovation. R&D focuses on discovering new drugs, improving existing ones, and exploring innovative therapeutic approaches.
- Regulatory and Compliance Services: Ensuring all activities adhere to global and local drug regulations, maintaining patient safety and trust in the pharmaceutical offerings.
How to Make Your Bid ‘Stand Out’ in Pharmaceutical Tenders
- Capacity & Track Record of Experience: Public sector procurement in pharmaceuticals, often conducted by national or regional health departments, deals with large-scale orders catering to public health systems. These procurements aim to secure essential medicines and vaccines for widespread public use.
- Adherency to Regulations and Transparency: Tenders in the public
sector are closely governed by stringent regulations to ensure
transparency and fairness. This means that pharmaceutical companies must be thorough in their documentation with adherence to stipulated guidelines. - Competitive Pricing: Given the scale of procurement and the public welfare agenda, public sector tenders often focus on competitive pricing, requiring companies to strike a balance between cost-effectiveness and quality.
- Evidence of Long-term Contracts: Sustained, long-term engagements, especially if the procured pharmaceuticals address chronic conditions or are vital vaccinations.
- Specialisation/Niche Focus: Focus on required or similar specialised/niche pharmaceuticals
- Flexibility: Agility, adapting rapidly to new pharmaceutical innovations and changing market demands.
- Profit-driven: If the emphasis leans toward high-margin products or exclusive pharmaceutical partnerships.
- Branding and Exclusivity: Leveraging exclusive pharmaceutical offerings as part of a branding strategy.
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We are professional writers of bids, tender requests for contracts, CCS framework bids and funding applications e.g.
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- Financial & Technical Requests
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- PQQ Bid Writing (Pre-qualification Questionnaire)
- ITT Bid Writing (Invitation To Tender)
- SQ or SSQ Bid Writing (Selection Questionnaire)
- Government Grants & Funding Bids, Requests or Applications
Pharmaceutical Bids & Tenders: Regulations, Ethics & Trends
- Global Distribution and Licensing: Pharmaceutical companies must navigate global regulations, licensing requirements, and regional health guidelines, especially when aiming for international contracts.
- Ethical Considerations: Ethical production, including factors like animal testing, environmental considerations in production, and fair pricing, are becoming increasingly important in pharmaceutical procurement decisions.
- Personalised Medicine: As pharmaceuticals move towards more personalised treatments, procurement strategies need to account for smaller batch sizes but higher specialisation.
Public Sector & Private Sector Contract Bidding Potential
Find more pharmaceuticals and pharmacology contract bids, public sector links to the private sector, supply chain dynamics, partnerships, subcontracting, CCS & DPS frameworks, and public sector funding.
Suppliers in the pharmaceuticals and pharmacology sector can benefit from both public procurement and private sector contracts. Key areas include supply chain dynamics, partnerships, public funding, subcontracting, CCS & DPS frameworks, and compliance with procurement regulations. These opportunities enhance business prospects, drive innovation, and support sustainability.
Supply Chain Dynamics
The pharmaceutical and pharmacology supply chain involves the procurement of raw materials, manufacturing processes, distribution, and clinical services. Effective management ensures quality, safety, and timely delivery. Organisations seek public and private contracts with suppliers of pharmaceutical products, clinical services, and logistics providers.
Example: The NHS contracts a pharmaceutical company to supply vaccines, detailing quality standards, delivery schedules, and pricing.
Public Sector & Private Sector Contracts,
Businesses, NHS, Public Services, Educational Institutions, Public Health Organisations…
Public sector, public services, and local authority contracts need to ensure transparency and fair competition. Contracts from private sector companies, educational institutions, public bodies, and charitable organisations like trusts, subject to public procurement regulations, provide greater access to opportunities to ensure fairness, such as government and local authority funded or community and national lottery projects. Public funding supports government initiatives like health and social care, education, accessibility, transport, sustainability, technology, and innovation, with companies adhering to procurement rules.
Example: A university receiving a government grant publishes a contract for a pharmacology business to conduct clinical trials, ensuring compliance with procurement regulations and quality standards.
CCS Frameworks & DPS Frameworks
CCS (Crown Commercial Service) frameworks and DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) frameworks provide structured procurement routes for public sector contracts. Pharmaceutical and pharmacology companies can join these frameworks to access long-term contract opportunities and a wide range of public sector clients.
Example: A pharmaceutical company joins a CCS framework to supply medications to NHS hospitals, ensuring streamlined procurement and consistent business. Similarly, a business specialising in clinical research secures long-term contracts through a DPS framework to provide research services to public sector organisations.
Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaborations drive innovation and competitiveness. Pharmaceutical and pharmacology companies can engage in joint ventures, partnerships with public sector organisations, and strategic alliances to improve service quality and efficiency.
Example: A pharmacology company partners with a public health organisation to develop and distribute a new medication, combining resources and expertise to enhance public health outcomes.
Specialised suppliers handle tasks like drug formulation, clinical trials, and distribution. Larger pharmaceutical companies with public contracts may subcontract parts of the work to specialised suppliers.
Example: A large pharmaceutical company subcontracts clinical trial management to a specialised research organisation, allowing the primary contractor to focus on drug development and regulatory compliance.
Public Procurement and Compliance
Pharmaceutical and pharmacology suppliers must comply with procurement regulations when using public funds, ensuring transparency and quality. This involves engaging in transparent tendering processes, adhering to quality standards, and ensuring value for money.
Example: A pharmaceutical business bidding for a public contract to supply medications for a national immunisation programme demonstrates compliance with regulatory standards, competitive pricing, and transparent procurement processes.
Bidding & Tendering Processes in Procurement
- SQs (Selection Questionnaires): Likely to probe on manufacturing capacities, regulatory adherence, and history of drug recalls or safety concerns.
- PQQs (Pre-Qualification Questionnaires): Pharmaceutical organisations often delve into their R&D successes, global distribution capabilities, and stringent quality control mechanisms.
- RFP (Request for Proposals): Might focus on the need for a new class of drugs, seeking partners for large-scale manufacturing, or exploring distribution channels in new regions. A blend of scientific prowess and cost considerations will be pivotal.
- ITT (Invitation to Tender): Comprehensive insights into drug development plans, expected efficacy outcomes, safety protocols, and competitive pricing structures are the focal points.
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Date Published | Contract Title | Contract Details & Bidding Information | Procuring Organisation | Bid Closing Date |
15/01/2025 02:54 PM | NHS National Framework - Generics Housekeeping/Supply Chain Resilience Products | Project title: NHS National Framework for the supply of Generics Housekeeping / Supply Chain Resilience Products, commencing 1 June 2025Offer reference number: CM/PHG/24/5720Period of framework agreement: Dates detailed below, with an option or options to extend (at the discretion of the Authority) for a period or periods up to a total of 48 months.Potential periods of call-offs under the framework agreement: CM/PHG/24/5720/01 - Orals (plus non-parenteral) Products CESW: (Midlands and Southwest): 1st June 2025 to 31st May 2027 (24 months) NWLN: (Northwest and London North): 1st June 2025 to 31st May 2027 (24 months) LSNE: (London South and Northeast): 1st June 2025 to 31st May 2027 (24 months)CM/PHG/24/5720/02 - Hospital Only Products DCE (Midlands) & DSW (Southwest): 1st June 2025 to 31st May 2026 (12 months) DNW (Northwest) & DLN (London North): 1st June 2025 to 31st January 2027 (20 months) DLS (London South) & DNE (Northeast): 1st June 2025 to 31st May 2026 (12 months)Published By: Medicines Procurement and Supply Chain - NHS Medicines Value & Access, NHS England | NHS England | 14/02/2025 |
15/01/2025 02:36 PM | NELFT - Non-Medical Prescribing Course | NELFT support the development and implementation of Non-Medical Prescribing (NMP) throughout the Trust in order to facilitate safe and timely access to medicines, thereby supporting high quality patient care. High quality training, supervision and ongoing professional development of the workforce are critical to supporting safe, effective and appropriate prescribing. NMP makes better use of the skills of health professionals and contributes to more flexible team working across the NHS. The demand for non-medical staff to undertake prescribing programmes is growing and NELFT require more bespoke and local delivered programmes. | North East London NHS Foundation Trust Shared Service | 19/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 02:48 PM | Supply of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) and/or Health Checks | This sets out the Authority's requirement in respect of a Locally Commissioned Public Health Service (LCPHS) for the provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) and/or NHS Health Checks in Nottinghamshire GP practices.It comprises three parts: LARC Component A - Contraceptive Subdermal Implants LARC Component B - Intrauterine Contraception NHS Health ChecksOptions available to GPs are to sign up to one, two or all of the parts. Any combination of services is possible.Nottinghamshire County Council will offer contracts to all providers to whom an award can be made because they meet all requirements in relation to the provision of the relevant health care services to patients. The contract ends on 31st March 2028, with an option for extension to 31st March 2030.This process is being carried out in accordance with the procedure for 'Direct Award Process B' under Regulations 6 and 8 of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. | Nottinghamshire County Council | 07/03/2025 |
13/01/2025 10:35 AM | PQ0577 - Delivery of Birmingham and Solihull Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2025-28 | The Council requires a supplier for the provision of their Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The aim is to enable Birmingham and Solihull Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) to meet their statutory requirement and publish a timely PNA. The PNA is a published document that informs the strategic development and commissioning of community pharmacy services to help meet the needs of the local population. Solihull and Birmingham health and wellbeing boards have a statutory responsibility to publish the next pharmaceutical needs assessment by 31st December 2025. The pharmaceutical needs of Birmingham and Solihull should be assessed separately, by locality, but presented in one joint document. The pharmaceutical needs assessments follow a common format as set by the 2013 regulations. These regulations outline the minimum requirements for pharmaceutical needs assessments and the matters that the health and wellbeing boards are to have regard to. In summary the regulations require a series of statements of: o the pharmaceutical services that the health and wellbeing boards have identified as services that are necessary to meet the need for pharmaceutical services; o the pharmaceutical services that have been identified as services that are not provided but which the health and wellbeing boards are satisfied need to be provided in order to meet a current or future need for a range of pharmaceutical services or a specific pharmaceutical service; o the pharmaceutical services that the health and wellbeing boards have identified as not being necessary to meet the need for pharmaceutical services but have secured improvements or better access; o the pharmaceutical services that have been identified as services that would secure improvements or better access to a range of pharmaceutical services or a specific pharmaceutical service, either now or in the future; and o other NHS services that affect the need for pharmaceutical services or a specific pharmaceutical service. The successful provider will need to demonstrate the following skills, experience and resources: o Relevant expertise and proven transferable skills necessary to produce a pharmaceutical needs assessment o Gathering demographic and health needs data o Ability to gather demographic & health needs data and produce reports o Understanding the responsibilities of the health and wellbeing boards o Ability to undertake quantitative and qualitative consultation This contract will commence from 20 02 2025 until 31 12 2025. The Council will be using its free to use e-tendering system (in-tend) for the administration of this procurement process and potential suppliers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. If you wish to express an interest in this opportunity, please click on the following link to access https://in-tendhost.co.uk/birminghamcc/ and submit your details to register. You will then... | Birmingham City Council | 31/01/2025 |
08/01/2025 04:07 PM | BWC Cloud-based Genomics Platform | The West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratory (WMRGL), the largest genomics facility in the UK, plays a pivotal role in delivering cutting-edge genomic services to over 11 million people across 41 NHS Trusts. However, the service faces significant risks due to rapidly increasing data volumes, the complexity of genomic analyses, and limitations of its current IT infrastructure. This briefing focuses on the urgent need for a cloud-based genomics data management and analysis platform to address these challenges and future-proof operations. WMRGL's current reliance on ageing local compute and storage infrastructure is no longer sustainable, with the system unable to meet growing data and processing demands, facilitate secure collaboration across the Central and South (C&S) Genomic Laboratory Hub, or support efficient delivery of genomic testing services. These limitations, combined with a lack of ICT support, present a high risk of operational failure. A cloud-based genomics platform provides a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by WMRGL. By leveraging scalable cloud infrastructure, the platform can accommodate the exponential growth of genomic data while facilitating enhanced efficiency, cost savings and robust information security. It also enables seamless collaboration with Central and South GLH partners through secure data sharing and distributed workflows. This Pre-Market Engagement exercise is for the Authority to test the market on its given requirements. The route to market for any award is undecided at this stage. Information obtained from this exercise will help identify the most suitable procurement approach and determine whether the Authority's requirements for a cloud-based genomics platform can be met.[Please see PME documents for further information]Suppliers wishing to participate in this market engagement exercise and express an interest in this requirement should respond to the questionnaire via the online form on the Health Family Single eCommercial System Portal (Atamis) by 15:00 on Friday 31st January 2025.https://health-family.force.com/s/WelcomePlease search for C329401 To View documents please register interest and then navigate back to the homepage and click "My Proposals and quotes" | University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust | 31/01/2025 |
08/01/2025 02:14 PM | National Framework Agreement for the Provision of Autism and ADHD Assessment Services | The Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust wishes to establish a Framework Agreement under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (and as amended) (the PSR) for use by all Relevant Authorities (and any future successors to these organisations)."Relevant authority" is defined in section 12ZB(7) of the National Health Service Act 2006. It means a combined authority, an integrated care board, a local authority in England, NHS England, an NHS foundation trust or an NHS trust established under section 25 of that Act.For the avoidance of doubt, any successor bodies of any of the above entities shall be entitled to place Orders and shall be deemed Relevant Authorities for the purposes of this Framework Agreement.Demand for autism and ADHD assessment and diagnosis services has increased significantly in recent years, with waiting lists in some areas now years long. In order to address this backlog, many NHS organisations are outsourcing portions of this service to increase capacity, either on a short- or long-term basis. This Framework Agreement will provide a quick and compliant route to contract for these services.The overall aim of the Framework Agreement is to provide an assessment and diagnosis service for autism, ADHD and/or combined autism and ADHD for both adult and paediatric patients. For patients on the ADHD or combined pathway this may also include medication prescribing, titration and review.The term of the framework agreement will be 4 years. | Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | 07/02/2025 |
20/12/2024 12:53 PM | Opportunity Notice - Modular & Prefabricated Building Solutions and Associated Services | The aim of this procurement is to appoint a number of suppliers who specialise in the design, manufacture, supply, installation and maintenance of various modular/pre-fabricated buildings for use by the NHS and wider public sector bodies in the UK. The authority recognises that the expertise required will exist both nationally and at a local level and aims to be as inclusive as is practicable in order that the awarding authority has the most appropriate resource available.It is intended that the Framework Agreement will be structured in 03 (Three) lots, as follows: a. Lot 1: Consultancy Services; b. Lot 2: Modular & Prefabricated Building Services; and c. Lot 3: Managed Services | NHS Commercial Solutions | 31/01/2025 |
17/12/2024 09:57 AM | Provision of Non-Invasive Pre-Natal Testing Service | The St George's Antenatal Fetal Evaluation (SAFE) test is a Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) service based at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, screening for Down's, Edwards' and Patau's syndromes, in line with UK National Screening Committee (UKNSC) recommendations and NHS England requirements. In some instances, fetal sexing is performed in addition to the main trisomy's. The SAFE test has been set up as a collaboration between the Fetal Medicine Unit and the St George's Genomics Service, which is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory. The service provides NIPT to approximately one third of the NHS maternity services in England and several private clinical services performing 4,000-5,000 tests annually.This invitation to tender gives the requirement to supply a complete laboratory test setup including reagent test kits for NIPT, all equipment, associated software and LIMS and equipment servicing. The test should be commercially available and CE marked for In Vitro diagnostic use ideally compliant to ISO13485. It should detect aneuploidy of chromosomes 13, 18 and 21 and be able to determine fetal sex within the specified sensitivity and specificity thresholds as a minimum requirement.The supplier must provide reagents, software and protocols sufficient to produce an end result on suitable equipment designated by the supplier. Resulting data must be clearly reportable and be usable by The SAFE Test personnel in a flexible and secure manner.The service must be provided to diagnostic standards, incorporating a complete CE/IVDD compliant workflow, to ensure data can be used for clinical interpretation. Samples must be analysed within the given timeframe, data must meet the minimum specified requirements and results issued in a customisable and easily interpretable format.The majority of samples processed are commissioned by NHSE with a contract running until March 2026. In the event St George's is not re-procured by NHSE to provide this service beyond this point, it is likely that the service may have to terminate its contract with the supplier. | St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | 20/01/2025 |
13/12/2024 11:15 AM | Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (MMRV) vaccine (2025) | The provision of a vaccine to protect against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella, to be used as part of the national immunisation programme. The contracting authority estimates their requirement over the period of the contract, including the period of the optional extension to be up to 11.5 million doses of vaccine. Deliveries will be required over a period of 2 years, with an option to extend for up to an additional 24 months. The opportunity is not split into lots. | UK Health Security Agency | 31/01/2025 |
03/12/2024 05:04 PM | Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Service | Wokingham Borough Council are inviting tenders for the provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC). It is Wokingham's vision to establish an integrated women's health hub. The commissioner and provider/s will work collaboratively to support opportunities to enhance the options available to residents. These will be discussed with the successful provider post-contract award. LARC is the first step of this plan, and the successful provider will be expected to play a key role in developing this vision in partnership with the contract commissioner. | Wokingham Borough Council | 27/01/2025 |
02/12/2024 10:32 AM | Supply of Emergency Hormonal Contraception | Nottinghamshire County Council is commissioning Providers to provide EHC free of charge to all women attending for this provision in line with requirements set out in the specification and in accordance with the EHC/PGD.The Provider is required to arrange for a qualified and accredited pharmacist to consult with clients attending for EHC. If deemed to be clinically appropriate, the pharmacist can supply either the hormonal post coital contraception Levonorgestrel 1.5mg or Ulipristal acetate 30mg to individuals requesting the EHC and who are clinically eligible and give consent.Providers of the service must be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and completed training to provide this service. | Nottinghamshire County Council | 28/01/2025 |
29/11/2024 08:36 AM | Framework for a Mid-Tech Homecare Service | Provision of a Mid-Tech Homecare Service for the Dispensing and Home Delivery of Self-Injecting and Self-Infused Products (including Pharma Funded Schemes) and removal of waste/sharps bin. | East Midlands Pharmacy Collaborative | 21/02/2025 |
14/11/2024 10:45 AM | Contraception - Larc | The commissioning of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) service for Cornish residents | Cornwall Council | 31/01/2025 |
11/11/2024 12:57 PM | Supply of Ready to Administer Products | The East Midlands Pharmacy Collaborative (EMPC) as the Contracting Authority wishes to establish a multi-provider Framework Agreement for the Supply of Ready to Administer Products as defined in the specification.The contract will commence on 1st July 2025 until 30th June 2027.The contract shall run for a period of 24 months with an option to extend for a further 24 months | East Midlands Pharmacy Collaborative | 17/01/2025 |
13/09/2024 11:33 AM | NHS Office and Outdoor Furniture Framework | NHS Supply Chain will be tendering for a new Office and Outdoor Furniture framework due to the expiry of the current framework.The Framework will include but not be limited to the following: General office furniture, metal storage, outdoor furniture and associated products, children's play furniture and pharmacy storage solutions.There is no guaranteed spend under this framework however the anticipated spend is approx. £10-12 million GBP per year.Supply Chain wishes to engage with current and potential suppliers as part of pre market engagement prior to the tender being released.If you wish to take part in this engagement please contact ku.sh1739068235n.nia1739068235hcylp1739068235pus@h1739068235trif.1739068235semaj1739068235. | NHS Supply Chain Coordination | 01/04/2025 |
16/08/2024 10:35 AM | Contract Notice | The Authority is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for product(s) indicated for protection from COVID-19 for future immunisation campaigns. The duration of the DPS will be for 4 years (2024-2028).UKHSA anticipates a requirement over the period 2024 to 2028 for the supply of product(s) indicated for protection from COVID-19. The annual requirement for COVID-19 vaccines will be determined by DHSC and UKHSA policy following advice from the JCVI as to which cohorts should be included in an upcoming immunisation programme.UKHSA is seeking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System ("DPS") to provide a flexible route to market as a means of meeting the requirements for COVID-19 vaccines. The potential total value of the procurements (in aggregate) that may be placed with one (1) or more potential providers in aggregate within the DPS is [£1 billion] (excluding VAT).No commitment is made to conducting any further call for competition nor for procuring any minimum volume or value of goods by UKHSA in setting up this DPS. The DPS provides potential providers with a means to take part in future tenders.The Authority invites applications from suitably qualified suppliers to join the DPS in order to participate in future tender opportunities. Only those suppliers whose DPS application has been approved and who have been accepted on to the DPS at the time an ITT is issued will be eligible to submit a tender.Full information on the qualifying criteria and how to apply is available from the Atamis eTendering system; https://atamis-1928.my.site.com/s/WelcomePotential suppliers are encouraged to submit their DPS application as early as possible in advance of an anticipated call off procurement, as only those suppliers who have been accepted onto the DPS at the point at which an ITT is issued will be eligible to submit a tender.Applications to the DPS must be made via the Atamis system https://atamis-1928.my.site.com/s/Welcome. If you do not already have an account you can easily register for one via the same link. You will then be able to search for this opportunity and access the application documents. Please note that all correspondence relating to this opportunity must be conducted through the Atamis system. | UK Health Security Agency | 24/09/2028 |
25/04/2024 03:50 PM | Bracknell Forest Council - 2. Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) | Bracknell Forest Council on behalf of the three Berkshire East Local Authorities - Slough, Bracknell Forest, Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead - will be hosting a new 3 - year contract for the provision of Emergency Hormonal Contraception for 13 - 24-year-olds.This contract will be awarded under the Provider selection Regime process B Direct Award - meaning that any eligible provider can have a Contract. The contract will be released for publication and download on the 25th March 2024.The contract will run from 1st April 2024 - 31st March 2027.This updated service specification and pricing schedule is modeled and delivered on units of activity. | Bracknell Forest Borough Council | 25/03/2025 |
25/04/2024 01:41 PM | PIN Notice for Bracknell Forest Council - 1. Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) | Bracknell Forest Council on behalf of the three Berkshire East Local Authorities - Slough, Bracknell Forest, Royal Borough of Windsor and MaidenheadWill be hosting a new 3 - year contract for the provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception.This contract will be awarded under the Provider selection Regime process B Direct Award - meaning that any eligible provider can have a Contract.The contract will be released for publication and download in March 2024The contract will run from 1st April 2024 - 31st March 2027.This updated service specification and pricing schedule is modeled and delivered on units of activity. | Bracknell Forest Borough Council | 26/03/2025 |
19/01/2024 12:02 PM | Courier, Distribution, Storage and Specialist Solutions | Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority intends to put in place a Pan Government Collaborative Agreement for the provision of Courier, Distribution, Storage and Specialist Solutions to be utilised by Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector Bodies, including Local Authorities, Health, Police, Fire and Rescue, Education, Third Sector and Devolved Administrations. It is intended that this commercial agreement will be the recommended vehicle for all Courier, Distribution, Storage and Specialist Solutions required by UK Central Government Departments.The lotting structure of this framework will be determined as a result of the market engagement. Further information is included in the Additional Information section VI.3. | Crown Commercial Service | 24/01/2025 |
21/04/2023 11:06 AM | Provision of GP Based Sexual Health Services 23-26 | Bedford Borough Council ('the Authority') is inviting Applications from GP Practices to join a Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (Ps DPS) in order to provide a number of Public Health Enhanced Services for Sexual Health to the populations of Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes. GP practices are invited to apply for the provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) for Contraceptive Purposes, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Screening and Treatment of Chlamydia in Primary Care. The detailed requirements are defined in the Specification provided. | Bedford Borough Council | 31/03/2026 |
21/04/2023 11:01 AM | Provision of Pharmacy based Sexual Health Services 23-26 | Bedford Borough Council ('the Authority') is inviting Applications from Community Pharmacies to join a Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (Ps DPS) in order to provide a number of Public Health Enhanced Services for Sexual Health to the populations of Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes. Community Pharmacies are invited to apply for the provision of Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC), Chlamydia Screening and Treatment in Pharmacies. The detailed requirements are defined in the Specification provided. | Bedford Borough Council | 31/03/2026 |
24/02/2023 12:07 PM | NHS Generic Pharmaceuticals - Wave 15c - DLS & DNE | NHS Generic Pharmaceuticals - Wave 15c - DLS & DNE regions | NHS England | 01/09/2025 |
24/02/2023 12:05 PM | NHS Generic Pharmaceuticals - Wave 15b - DCE & DSW | NHS Generic Pharmaceuticals - Wave 15b - DCE & DSW regions | NHS England | 01/02/2025 |
12/10/2022 10:37 AM | NHS South of England Branded Medicines - Tranche A - September 2025 | NHS South of England Branded Medicines - Tranche A - September 2025 | NHS England | 01/03/2025 |
12/10/2022 10:36 AM | NHS South of England Branded Medicines - Annual Tranche - September 2025 | NHS South of England Branded Medicines - Annual Tranche - September 2025 | NHS England | 01/03/2025 |
12/10/2022 10:34 AM | NHS London Branded Medicines - Tranche B - September 2025 | NHS London Branded Medicines - Tranche B - September 2025 | NHS England | 01/03/2025 |
12/10/2022 10:33 AM | NHS London Branded Medicines - Annual Tranche -September 2025 | NHS London Branded Medicines - Annual Tranche -September 2025 | NHS England | 01/03/2025 |
04/10/2022 12:43 PM | Adult Influenza Vaccines - Secondary Care | Adult Influenza Vaccines - Secondary Care | NHS ENGLAND | 01/04/2025 |
18/08/2022 01:55 PM | NHS National Proprietary Pharmaceuticals | NHS National Proprietary Pharmaceuticals | NHS ENGLAND | 01/11/2025 |
01/04/2022 04:10 PM | DAPL Reopening - Healthcare Services - i-1428 | OCC is inviting applications for its Dynamic Approved Provider List (DAPL) for Community Healthcare Services re-commencing in April 2022.This process is an opportunity for providers to apply prior to the commencement date to enable provision of call-off contracts to be in place from the outset of the DAPL.These services are split into 3 lots: Lot 1 - Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) Lot 2 - Pharmacist Supervised Consumption of Prescribed Opiate Substitution Therapy (PSC) Lot 3 - Needle Exchange Programme - Sterile Works from Oxfordshire Premises (SWOP) | Oxfordshire County Council | 31/03/2026 |
01/04/2022 04:08 PM | DAPL Reopening - Primary Care Services - i1429 | OCC is inviting applications for its Dynamic Approved Provider List (DAPL) for Primary Care Services re-commencing in April 2022.This process is an opportunity for providers to apply prior to the commencement date to enable provision of call-off contracts to be in place from the outset of the DAPL.These services are split into 3 lots: Lot 1 - NHS Health Check Programme Lot 2 - Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Lot 3 - Drug Misuse Shared Care Services | Oxfordshire County Council | 31/03/2026 |
08/03/2018 09:57 AM | Herefordshire Stop Smoking Services - Pharmacotherapy | Herefordshire Council is creating an approved list of accredited providers, in respect of Stop Smoking Services - Pharmacotherapy throughout Herefordshire.This Any Qualified Provider (AQP) procurement offer is designed to support the development of Stop Smoking Services in Herefordshire.Please note this opportunity has been extended for a further 12 months until 31st March 2025.Contract dates shown reflect the limitations of the system. | Herefordshire Council | 31/03/2025 |
Source: UK Contracts Finder