Tendering Domiciliary & Home Care Bids – Find Contracts Free
How to Bid for UK Contracts & Find Procurement Opportunities in Domiciliary & Homecare Tendering
Contract opportunities for domiciliary care contracts require providers to showcase their patient-centric approach. Bids should highlight their ability to personalise care, demonstrate their track record in patient safety, and provide evidence of caregiver training and development initiatives.
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Bid Consultancy & Bid Support for Domiciliary and Home Care contracts with Tender & Bid Writing Services ensure a comprehensive and precise tender submission to position your business as a valuable partner in this sector.
Domiciliary Care Bids & Tenders: Technology, Training & Public Authorities
Technology Integration: The use of care planning software, emergency response systems, and telehealth services are becoming increasingly prevalent.
Training and Development: Continuous training, especially in areas like dementia care or specific health conditions, provides an edge.
Collaboration with Housing Authorities: Establishing partnerships with housing authorities can facilitate smoother service delivery, especially in larger housing complexes or estates.
Supplier & Contract Opportunity Examples
- Personal Care: Tailored services ranging from grooming and hygiene to assistance with daily activities.
- Medication Assistance: Ensuring timely and correct medication administration.
- Physical Therapy: Providing therapy and exercise routines for rehabilitation and maintenance.
- Home Maintenance: Ensuring a safe living environment through minor home repairs, cleanliness, and more.
How to Make Your Bid ‘Stand Out’ in Domiciliary & Home Care Tenders
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We are professional writers of bids, tender requests for contracts, CCS framework bids and funding applications e.g.
- DPS Frameworks & Free Search (CCS opportunities)
- CCS Frameworks (Plus Free Search)
- RFP Bid Writing (Request For Proposal)
- Financial & Technical Requests
- Single Stage Tendering
- Two Stage Tendering
- PQQ Bid Writing (Pre-qualification Questionnaire)
- ITT Bid Writing (Invitation To Tender)
- SQ or SSQ Bid Writing (Selection Questionnaire)
- Government Grants & Funding Bids, Requests or Applications
- Record of Past Experience & Capacity: Typically involves working with housing authorities, NHS trusts, and local councils. Contracts might be larger in scope and they may also come with stringent regulations, audits, and periodic reviews.
- Personalised Service: Tenders could range from individual households to private elderly homes. Though potentially smaller in scale, these contracts often provide opportunities for a more personalised service approach.
- Service Quality: With a priority on patient care, tenders emphasise the need for high-quality service providers with proven track records.
- Integration with Housing Authorities: Collaborative approaches are sought after, ensuring services align with the unique needs of those in housing authority residences.
- Customisation and Flexibility: Domiciliary care providers should offer tailored care plans, adapting to changing needs and diverse client requirements.
- Regulatory Adherence: Meeting national health and care standards is non-negotiable, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of service users.
Public Sector & Private Sector Contract Bidding Potential
Find more domiciliary & home care contract bids, public sector links to the private sector, supply chain dynamics, partnerships, subcontracting, CCS & DPS frameworks, and public sector funding.
Suppliers in the domiciliary and home care sector can benefit from both public procurement and private sector contracts. Key areas include supply chain dynamics, partnerships, public funding, subcontracting, CCS & DPS frameworks, and compliance with procurement regulations. These opportunities enhance business prospects, drive innovation, and support sustainability.
Supply Chain Dynamics
The supply chain in domiciliary and home care involves the procurement of medical supplies, care services, training, and technology. Effective management ensures quality, safety, and timely delivery. Organisations seek public and private contracts with suppliers of care equipment, medical supplies, and logistics providers.
Example: A home care provider contracts a supplier for mobility aids and medical supplies, detailing quality standards, delivery schedules, and pricing.
Public Sector & Private Sector Contracts
Businesses, Public Services, Local Authorities, National Lottery Community Fund, Housing Associations…
Public sector bids, such as local authority council led domiciliary care contracts for supported living and National Lottery community projects need to ensure transparency and fair competition. Housing associations and private sector homecare contracts funded by the government offer additional opportunities in this sector. Public funding supports government initiatives like health and social care, education, accessibility, sustainability, technology and innovation, with suppliers adhering to procurement rules.
Example: A housing association receiving a government funding publishes a contract for the installation of energy-efficient heating systems in residents homes.
CCS Frameworks & DPS Frameworks
CCS (Crown Commercial Service) frameworks and DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) frameworks provide structured procurement routes for public sector contracts. Suppliers can join these frameworks to access long-term contract opportunities and a wide range of public sector clients.
Example: A supplier of care services joins a CCS framework to provide home care services to local councils, ensuring streamlined procurement and consistent business. Similarly, a company specialising in telehealth technologies secures long-term contracts through a DPS framework to supply equipment to home care providers.
Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaborations drive innovation and competitiveness. Suppliers can engage in joint ventures, partnerships with public sector organisations, and strategic alliances to improve service quality and efficiency.
Example: A technology company partners with a home care provider to develop a digital platform for remote care management, enhancing service delivery and accessibility.
Specialised suppliers handle tasks like medical equipment provision, care services, and logistics. Private companies with large public contracts may subcontract parts of the work to specialised business suppliers.
Example: A home care provider subcontracts specialised nursing services to an organisation specialising in dementia care.
Public Procurement and Compliance
Suppliers must comply with procurement regulations, ensuring transparency and quality. This involves engaging in transparent tendering processes, adhering to quality standards, and ensuring value for money.
Example: A company bidding for a public contract to provide community care services demonstrates compliance with care standards, competitive pricing, and transparent procurement processes.
Bidding & Tender Processes in Procurement
- SQ (Selection Questionnaires): In domiciliary care, SQs are employed to ascertain the basic qualifications of providers. This might include checking for necessary certifications, adherence to safety standards, and training protocols.
- RFI and RFQ: Requests for Information and Requests for Quotes
- PQQ (Pre-Qualification Questionnaires): PQQs seek more in-depth information. Care providers are assessed on their care models, staff training and development, patient feedback mechanisms, and any technology integrations that enhance care.
- RFP (Request for Proposals): Here, providers are presented with specific care scenarios. They need to outline how they’d cater to these needs, detailing care plans, frequency of visits, remote monitoring provisions, and any other interventions necessary.
- ITT (Invitation to Tender): ITTs demand a comprehensive proposal. Providers detail everything from care methodologies, patient engagement strategies, staff training programmes, to cost structures and projected outcomes.
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Date Published | Contract Title | Contract Details & Bidding Information | Procuring Organisation | Bid Closing Date |
15/01/2025 04:20 PM | Prior Information Notice - Portsmouth City Council Home Care Re-Commissioning Consultation | Portsmouth City Council (the 'Council') is undertaking a Soft Market Testing (SMT) exercise as part of a strategic review of delivery options in providing domiciliary care services, mainly within the Portsmouth boundary (PO1 To PO6) but occasionally in the surrounding area. The nature of support required will be individualised and will be aimed at maintaining individuals in a reasonable state of health, hygiene and safety in their own home. Support packages will vary in size based on the individual needs and may range from minimal support up to highly specialised and complex needs. The Council have reviewed current and alternative delivery models with other Local Authorities to explore the commissioning of home care. The Council's aim in undertaking this SMT exercise is to explore providers views on these delivery options, and to identify current working practices, existing challenges and risks within the market with other Local Authorities that providers are currently and previously providing support services for. The feedback will inform the Council's strategic options and help ensure that any subsequent procurement strategy is optimised to meet resident needs, strategic objectives, statutory obligations and best value duties. The Council are inviting interested providers to attend an in-person Home Care Re-Commissioning Consultation event at the Lord Mayors Banqueting Hall in Portsmouth Guildhall on 12th February 2025 from 10:00 to 14:30 to explore the future for home care in Portsmouth. The in-person event is providers opportunity to contribute to shaping the future of home care services in our community. At this stage, the Council are restricting attendance to one person from each provider as the Council can only accommodate 100 places at the event. The event will be on a first come first serve basis. In the event that the Council exceeds the maximum occupancy for the event, the Council reserves the right to run an additional online event to engage further with providers who could not attend the in-person event. Places for the event can be reserved using the following link - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/portsmouth-city-council-home-care-re-commissioning-consultation-event-tickets-1125218000329?aff=oddtdtcreator Should providers have any questions around the SMT event, then suppliers should use the correspondence function on Intend. The Council have published this Prior Information Notice and subsequent associated documents under the current Public Contract Regulations 2015. However, the subsequent formal procurement will commence under the Procurement Act 2023 as this will be after the current go live date of 24th February 2025, subject to their being no further significant delays. To avoid any future compliance issues impacting a subsequent procurement process, the Council has designed an SMT process that will align with the requirements of the Procurement Act 2023,... | Portsmouth City Council | 15/04/2025 |
14/01/2025 11:27 AM | Market Engagement Event for Extra Care Housing Care & Support Services in Bromley | The London Borough of Bromley is re-commissioning the Care and Support Services within 3 of its Extra Care Housing schemes and is holding an market engagement event on Wednesday 12th February 2025 at the Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, Kent. BR1 1AS. The objectives of the market engagement event is to support the London Borough of Bromley: - Gain insight into market capacity - Understand innovative approaches to service delivery with Extra Care Settings. - Facilitate dialogue on best practices, challenges and solutions. - Encourage collaboration between providers and commissioners. - Influence the type of service and method of procurement. Details for attending this event can be found on the Proactis e-tendering portal. | London Borough of Bromley | 10/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 04:00 PM | COV - Home Support (Domiciliary Care/Personal Care) for Children & Young People with a Disability | Coventry City Council is out to tender for the provision of Home Support (domiciliary care / personal care) for Children & Young People with a Disability. The estimated start date for the new framework is 1st May 2025. The initial term of the framework will be for the period of 5 years from commencement but may be extended, by mutual agreement by 2 increments of 12 months. | Coventry City Council (COV) | 03/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 01:26 PM | Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene 2025 | The purpose of this notice is to draw attention to a procurement that NHS Supply Chain intends to commence, Project_1236 - Skin Cleansing, during the subsequent 12 months for the Supply of Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene products for patient and clinician use.Products include but are not limited to patient dry wipes, skin cleansing wipes, continence wipes, patient cleansing hygiene and personal care products, alcohol wipes for use on skin, antimicrobial body wash products, biocidal skin disinfectants, LMP skin disinfectants and pre-operative skin preparation products.Precise quantities are unknown. It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £59,250,000 in the first year of this Framework Agreement, however this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the Framework Agreement. The estimated value over the total Framework Agreement term (2 + 2 year term) is anticipated to be approximately £237,000,000.The Framework Agreement between NHS Supply Chain and successful suppliers will reserve the right to purchase the same or similar supplies and/or services from suppliers not appointed to the Framework Agreement at its sole discretion.NHS Supply Chain intends to enter into arrangements under which it will be entitled to purchase supplies and/or services which it will make available for purchase by 1) any NHS Trust; 2) any other NHS entity; 3) any government department, agency or other statutory body and/or 4) any private sector entity active in the UK healthcare sector. Only NHS Supply Chain can order from the Framework Agreement and enter into contracts under it. | NHS Supply Chain | 11/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 12:28 PM | Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care Services for Children with Disabilities Framework | Leicestershire County Council is conducting a procurement to establish a Framework Agreement in accordance with the Light-Touch Regime requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/102) (PCR 2015) for the purpose of procuring service providers to deliver services with regards to Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabilities.The requirement will be broken down into lots as described below.Lot 1 - Short Breaks (Play & Leisure): Short breaks provide opportunities for disabled children and young people to spend time away from their parents and carers, with friends and peers, for positive opportunities. They are intended to promote their positive mental health and emotional well-being. Short Breaks normally occur on a regular and planned basis and should be part of an integrated programme of support which is regularly reviewed. Emergency Short Break provision will need to be provided from time to time.Lot 2 - Domiciliary Care Domiciliary care is a statutory service that the Council has a duty to provide and it relates to the provision of care and support to children and families in their own home (e.g. personal care, meal preparation, moving and handling etc.). The service can only be provided following an assessment of need and if certain thresholds are met. This service is not exclusively for disabled children and young people although they make up the vast majority of service users. The framework covers two broad areas of domiciliary care - domestic tasks and sitting services.It is anticipated multiple Providers will be awarded on to each lot.It is intended that the Framework will commence on 01/04/2025 and that it will be in place for an initial period of one year ending 31/03/2026. There are three options to extend the framework in 12 month increments to a maximum end date of 31/03/2029.The Framework will be subject to review and re-opening. The Framework will be re-opened when the Council believes that reopening competition would be beneficial in terms of meeting demand and ensuring the framework is fit for purpose. This could be on an annual basis, to align with the framework's anniversary, and/or at any other time the Council deems necessary. | Leicestershire County Council | 10/02/2025 |
08/01/2025 05:34 PM | Complex Disability Equipment - Prosthetic Specialised Services For People Of All Ages With Limb Loss on behalf of NHS England South East | NHS England South East (the Commissioner) is seeking to secure a Provider who has the capability and capacity to deliver Complex Disability Equipment - Prosthetic Specialised Services to individuals of all ages with Limb Loss.The service aims to maximise the mobility, independence, and quality of life of the individual, working in collaboration with the patient as equal partners. This aim is achieved by the provision of prostheses (artificial limbs) through a dedicated and specialised multidisciplinary team.These specialised services seek to empower patients, provide them with information about their condition(s) and offer individual choice(s) about where, how and by whom they are to be treated and allow for a collaboratively agreed prescription(s) to be provided. The ability to return to normal life and work are key service outcomes thereby improving the individual's quality of life.This is achieved by providing services that are focused on:Person (Patient) Centred Service: Informed Patient Choice • Patient Information Pack • The patient or their advocates are provided access to all the information necessary to make informed and timely choices • Collaboratively produced personalised care plans with thePatient/MDT including individual goal setting and improving and maintaining health and well-being • The Patient working collaboratively with the MDT may exercise their patient choice to decide by whom they are seen and where they receive their treatmentTiming of Treatment Appointments need to be agreed, flexible and include emergency appointments. There should be sufficient time allowed for clinicians to work with service users to achieve an optimal outcome at each appointment and over time. The dynamic nature of rehabilitation means that as the patients goals change so does the rehabilitation and re-ablement programme.Area of focus to maximise independence would be: • Education and Advice • Mobility and Stability • Activities of Daily Living • Occupational/Vocational Management • Recreation • Social and Psychological WellbeingThe service is expected to cover Kent and Medway. | NHS SOUTH, CENTRAL AND WEST COMMISSIONING SUPPORT UNIT | 14/02/2025 |
08/01/2025 04:59 PM | Extra Care Housing Care & Support Services - London Borough of Sutton | London Borough of Sutton is re-tendering for a new contract under a block contract arrangement for the delivery of extra care housing care and support services to three designated extra care housing schemes in Sutton.The provision of extra care housing care and support services have been divided into the following Lots comprising of a specific number of flats and of a specific number of care hours per scheme for people eligible for services:Lot 1 - Belsize Court Lot 2 - Cloverdale Court Lot 3 - Dymond HouseTenderers are permitted to submit a tender for multiple Lots.Please see tender documentation for further details. | London Borough of Sutton | 07/02/2025 |
08/01/2025 04:17 PM | Extra Care and Care at Home PRINCIPAL providers | Cheshire West and Chester Council intend to merge previously two separate services (Care at Home and Extra Care Housing) into one Service to deliver on the Council's commitment to commissioning on a Strengths-Based and Outcome-Focused approach to deliver high-quality services and meaningful outcomes for people within the Borough.Providers delivering these services will work with the Council, with residents in receipt of care and with relevant stakeholders to evolve these care provisions, focusing on an enabling and reablement approach 'doing with not doing for', achieving Care Act identified outcomes, and enabling people to live a great life within their local communities.The new service will be delivered within seven geographical localities across the borough which is reflective of our Community Social Work Teams to strengthen working relationships between the Council's Social Work and Occupational Therapy Practitioners and the Care Provider's workforce.Each of the seven localities will have one Principal Provider (previously referred to as Prime Providers) and a number of Associate Providers (previously referred to as Framework Providers). Each locality has at least one Extra Care Housing Scheme as part of its community. The Principal Provider will lead and deliver all care and support hours required within their awarded scheme from day one, plus a percentage of the Care at Home hours required within the local locality. As the borough is a geographical mixture of both urban and rural areas, each locality is impacted by differing levels of need and demand. Therefore, the percentage of Care at Home hours will be determined by the need and demand within each locality and care hours allocated to Principal Providers will be expected to grow naturally as current care packages evolve and new ones are commissioned.All remaining Care at Home hours available will be allocated to the Associated Providers - see DN741081 for tender pack for Associates | Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council | 04/03/2025 |
08/01/2025 03:58 PM | Care at Home ASSOCIATE providers | Care at Home ASSOCIATE providers, This is a pseudo framework tendered under the LIGHT TOUCH REGIME. The Council reserve the right to re-open the framework to allow new entrants. The framework is borough wide however we may re-open to target providers in certain areas as we appreciate that not all providers will be able to operate borough wide. We may also need to replace any providers who fall off the framework (such as mergers, ceasing business etc). There are no set timescales for re-opening this framework. There is no guarantee of hours. Call offs may be awarded via mini competition/ capacity or direct award - see tender pack. Tender pack available on the Chest, www.the-chest.org.uk | Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council | 12/02/2025 |
24/12/2024 10:39 AM | CA15096 - Catering Services - Retirement Living | Karbon Homes are looking for a Catering provider to provide services to our Extra Care Schemes at present and future Care Schemes which are currently under development, the meals will be prepared on site in our fully facilitated kitchens.Includes Lots: Lot 1: Lot 1 - Elms and Manor Lot 2: Lot 2 - Weavers Court & St Georges Lot 3: Lot 3 - Hebburn Gardens & Benton Road Lot 4: Lot 4 - Leazes, NewcastleTo access this competition:Registered: Login to https://suppliers.multiquote.com and view the opportunity CA15096.Not registered: Visit https://suppliers.multiquote.com then register and quote CA15096 as the reason for registration.Any queries please contact MultiQuote on 0151 482 9230. | Karbon Homes | 07/02/2025 |
20/12/2024 03:11 PM | (Early Engagement) Framework for Short Breaks Homecare, Passenger Assistance and Community Assistance Services | The London Boroughs of Kensington & Chelsea, The City of Westminster and its partners are seeking to establish a Framework agreement for Short Breaks Homecare, Travel and Community Assistance Services. The aim of the Bi-borough Short Breaks and Transport service is to provide access to high quality and responsive services which are available in the local area whilst providing opportunities for children and young people to thrive, whether in education, employment, independent living, or community participation. We want to enable our children and young people to realise their ambitions, overcome their concerns and to have the skills and opportunities they need to live happy and fulfilled lives.Further detail of the services can be found within the Service Familiarity Document, available on our eSourcing Portal. | Westminster City Council | 26/01/2025 |
20/12/2024 01:28 PM | Live at Home 2025 | Essex County Council is seeking to procure a new Live at Home framework for the provision of domiciliary care services for adults (18+) acrossEssex (excluding Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock)for a period of 6 years.Further information can be found in the attachments section. | ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL | 31/01/2025 |
19/12/2024 12:36 PM | Supporting Vulnerable Adults DPV: Category 5 Shared Lives (Round 1) | The London Borough of Newham established a Supporting Vulnerable Adults Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle (DPV) in June 2023 for an initial term of 5 years with the option to extend for a further 5 years.The DPV included the following categories:Category 1 - Supported Living Category 2 - Supporting Vulnerable Single Homeless Adults (SVSHA) Category 3 - Prevention and Floating Support Category 4 - Extra Care Category 5 - Shared Lives Category 6 - Care Homes Category 7 - Immigration Advice and SupportThe Authority will undertake the procurement for each Category in phases. This notice is in relation to Category 5 Shared Lives.Estimated Total Aggregate Value across the lifetime of the DPV for Category 5 is £16,521,691.Shared Lives provides a community-based living option for adults with support needs who seek a more homely and inclusive environment. Adults are matched with approved Shared Lives Carers who share their home and provide personalised care and support tailored to individuals' needs. Shared Livers provides an alternative to traditional care settings, promoting greater independence and social inclusion. The Authority seeks to commission Shared Lives Service(s) offering a flexible and individualised approach to empower individuals with diverse needs who desire a more homely and inclusive living environment.Service specifications for category 5 are not available to view at admission stage, but core information relevant to the service specification is included in 'The Service Brief' document.This should give providers enough information to decide whether they want to apply for admission to the Supporting Vulnerable Adults DPV - Category 5 Shared Lives.The procurement is being conducted in accordance with Regulation 74 to 76 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The procurement is subject to the light-touch regime under Section 7 and as such, the Authority is free to establish a procedure, provided that procedure is sufficient to ensure compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment of economic operators (providers).The DPV is open for admission and withdrawal of providers to each category (once launched) and specialism(s) (where applicable) throughout its lifetime. Applications for admission to a category will be assessed in "Rounds" throughout the lifetime of the DPV (further information below).Providers applying for admission to a category within a Round will be required to complete and meet minimum standards set out within the procurement documentation.The Estimated Total Aggregate Value for Newham across the lifetime of the DPV is £957,356,593.The DPV is open for use to other North East London Boroughs.The Boroughs are: Barking and Dagenham, City of London, Hackney, Havering, Newham, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest.Estimated Total Aggregate Value across all local authorities across the lifetime of the DPV is £6,701,496,150. | LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM | 31/01/2025 |
18/12/2024 04:34 PM | Invitation to Tender for the Safe and Warm II Upgrade Scheme at Victoria House, Creswell | Bolsover District Council have recognised a need for investment in their housing stock, and particularly those buildings which provide accommodation to elderly and vulnerable tenants. This project will provide for further facility improvements and fire safety upgrading of flats and communal areas within sheltered accommodation at Victoria House Creswell to complement previous modernisation and refurbishment works undertaken as part of the Safe and Warm programme. The building, designed for independent living, consists of 32no flats incorporating communal facilities such as a day & events room, kitchen, TV room, and laundry. The Tenderer shall be the Principal Contractor and Main Contractor for this project which shall encompass the installation of new fire doors, integration of associated equipment to the buildings fire alarm system, amendment as required to the existing sprinkler system, conversion works to create an internal scooter-store facility and the re-decoration of communal areas. Contract award will be confirmed from 11th February 2025 and it is estimated for the project to commence from March 2025 within a 24 week timeframe. | Bolsover District Council | 29/01/2025 |
17/12/2024 01:49 PM | Framework for Independent Living Support Service (ILSS) | Home Care is one of the main care and support options provided to meet eligible needs - to enable residents to maintain their independence and quality of life in their own home.This care and support is delivered by local Providers who are registered with, and inspected by, the Care Quality Commission (CQC).The London Borough of Newham are carrying out a procurement to create a Framework under the Light Touch procedure for Independent Living Support Services (ILSS) with a term of four years with the option to extend for a further four years.The ILSS will be set up to deliver services across five (5) Lots: 1) Reablement 2) Long-Term Care - Adults with Physical Disabilities, Sensory Impairments and / or other Long-Term Conditions 3) Long-Term Care - Autistic Adults, Children and Young People and those with Learning Disabilities and / or Mental Health Needs 4) Domestic Support 5) Approved Supplier ListThe procurement is being conducted in accordance with Regulation 74 to 76 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the procurement is subject to the light-touch regime under Section 7.Providers submitting a Bid must do so in accordance with the instructions set out within the Procurement Documents. | LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM | 03/02/2025 |
16/12/2024 09:35 AM | CSW -Community Services for Working Age Adults, with Learning Disabilities, Complex Health Needs, Autism, Mental Health or Physical Disabilities - Refresh Lot 3a and 3b | Warwickshire County Council (the Council) and ICB are seeking tenders for their Community Services for Working Age Adults (WAA), with learning disabilities, autism, mental health or physical disabilities Lots 3a and 3b. This is a refresh tender for Lot 3a and 3b ONLY to allow new providers to apply for a contract for these services and to allow those who are unsuccessful first time around to re-apply. (Note: Providers who were successful in being awarded a contract previously should not re-apply). The purpose of care and support commissioned through this model is to enable people to live good and fulfilling lives by being supported to achieve the things that are important to them. The support people can access will comprise three broad elements: o Support to live independently in my own home (Independent Living) o Support to live a fulfilling life in my local community (Community Opportunities) o Support for my family and carers (Overnight Opportunities) | Shared Service (CSW) | 27/01/2025 |
13/12/2024 02:39 PM | Care Suites Market Engagement Events | We want to present an exciting opportunity to develop the new model Care Suites which is care, support and accommodation in one place for people over the age of 65. Throughout the year we have been working hard to assess what we (as a city) need supporting older people who require care, support and accommodation. One aspect of this programme is the proposal to commission Care Suites which is a 60-80 bedded apartment type setting in one building that offers care and support both planned and unplanned over 24 hrs 7 days a week 365 days a year. The Care Suite model in Sheffield is an evolution on the current offer of Extra Care, Residential Care and Nursing Care provision. We are asking care and support providers across all spectrums and registered housing providers to consider the design, build and delivery of Care Suites in Sheffield. The Care Suite model development has been given approval by Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee on the 30/10/2024 to proceed to the next stage of the programme. We want to involve you in our thinking. We are holding two market engagement events in January. The first will be an online event on the 21st January 2025 at 10am till 11:30am. If you would like to attend this event please email ku.vo1738930137g.dle1738930137iffeh1738930137s@siw1738930137le.ma1738930137da1738930137 and I will make sure you receive a Teams invitation. The second will be a face to face meeting on the 30th January 2025 9:30am till 12pm at a venue to be announced. If you would like to attend this event please sign up using the below link. The Sheffield Care Suite Model Tickets, Thu 30 Jan 2025 at 09:30 | Eventbrite | Sheffield City Council | 30/01/2025 |
13/12/2024 01:31 PM | Provision of care and support services for residents with learning disabilities at Emlyn Gardens supported living scheme | The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham ('H&F council') requires a care and support provider to deliver services in a newly built supported living scheme for adults with learning disabilities at Emlyn Gardens, located in Shepherds Bush. The service consists of eight self-contained flats. The contract will commence between March and April 2025 for an initial term of three years with a possible extension of two years, at the discretion of H&F council. | London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham | 27/01/2025 |
11/12/2024 07:35 AM | Social Care Community Support Rolling Select List | Tenders are invited for inclusion on a Rolling Select List of approved, quality assured providers of Social Care Community Support intended to facilitate the provision of: o Support for Children open to Social Care's Disabled Children and Young People's Team (DCYP) (Lot 1) o Social Care Support for children (Lot 2) o Crisis Support for children (Lot 3) o Supervised Family Time Support (Lot 4) Lot 1 is expected to provide support within a family or residential setting, by staff trained to provide personal care and administer medication. The children may be physically disabled, be neurodivergent, have specific sensory/communication needs, have learning disabilities and/or life limiting illnesses. Lot 2 is expected to proactively support children within their family home, enabling reunification and preventing admission into care. Lot 3 is expected to support children in care at short notice (e.g., to prevent emergency or admissions into care) following placement breakdowns. The children may have a history of criminal exploitation, behavioural and emotional dysregulation, mental health issues and/or neurodivergence. The support will take place in a residential setting and may exceed 28 days duration. Lot 4 is expected to provide suitably trained staff to carry out Family Time sessions following Suffolk County Council's Family Time protocols. Providers can apply to join the Rolling Select List or amend which lots they have bid for at any time, however their applications once the Rolling Select List is live will only be considered on an annual basis. An overview of the process and the anticipated timescales can be found at Appendix A to the Invitation to Participate document. Bidders will be notified no later than the end of the calendar month following submission of their Request to Participate. E.g., if the submission is received in January, then bidders should be notified by the end of February. This Rolling Select List complies with the Light Touch Regime under the Public Contract Regulations 2015. | Suffolk County Council (Directorates) | 31/03/2027 |
10/12/2024 04:52 PM | 203_25 Technology Enabled Care Products and Services | This is a Prior Information Notice where the tender documentation is not yet available. However, interest in this opportunity (Expressions of interest) can still be registered (see below on details of how to complete).ESPO is seeking to renew its Technology Enabled Care Products and Services framework. It is anticipated that the new framework will be awarded during Spring 2025.This procurement is intended to create a list of pre-approved providers of technology enabled care products and services including telecare and telehealth services and equipment, monitoring, response services and consultancy. The framework is intended to meet the needs of a fully outsourced provision as well as the purchase of individual pieces of equipment. Pre-market engagement will inform the nature and format of the solution to be procured (including the lot structure which has yet to be finalised.).Prior to retendering, ESPO is seeking to engage with the supplier market to help design the new framework to ensure that it best meets the needs of both suppliers and customers across the public sector.Suppliers responding to this opportunity will be invited to participate in the pre-market engagement which will take place between December and January 2024.The duration of the framework agreement is expected to be for 2 years (24 months), with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years (24 months). The total estimated value stated includes the option period (including in the Spend profile, where the total has been evenly spread over 4 Financial years as an example including the option period, to provide a simple/approximate estimate).To express an interest: (a) Go to https://www.eastmidstenders.org/; (b) Register (if not already registered on ProContract); (c) Search for tender opportunity '203_25' (via "View Opportunities" from the 'EastMidsTenders' Portal); d) Express an interest. | Espo | 21/02/2025 |
06/12/2024 01:53 PM | Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Managed Service Delivery Partner | Nottinghamshire County Council is seeking tenders from Suppliers to provide a Technology Enabled Care (TEC) managed service. The Council's TEC service currently offers: • Activity monitoring systems • Telecare • Carer TEC Service • Reminder TEC • Digital Inclusion ProgrammeFurther details of the service requirements can be found in Part 3 - Technology Enabled Care Managed Service Delivery Partner Specification available with all of the tender documents on ProContract. | Nottinghamshire County Council | 16/01/2025 |
06/12/2024 11:12 AM | CPU4266 - Accreditation List for the Provision of Family Support and Short Breaks - Round 1 Only | This relates to Round 1 onlyAccreditation List for the Provision of Short Breaks.The Accreditation List will consist of three lots:Lot 1: Community Short Breaks, which includes:Lot 1a: Community Based Group Activity Community-based group activity for children aged anywhere between 0-18th birthday (provider to state age range catered for) including daytime, school holiday only, after school/evening and weekend activities. (If providing activities of more than 2 hours a week to children under 8, this must be registered with OFSTED)Lot 1b: Individual Activity 1:1 day or evening community-based activity for children and young people aged 0-18th birthday, which can include accessing evening activities such as youth groups, weekend activities and school holiday clubs as well as `buddying` and support of individual interests.Lot 2: Family Support at Home For children and young people up to their 18th birthday (which requires registration with Care Quality Commission). Providers are encouraged to deliver short breaks at home to disabled children during the day and may also provide care and support overnight where this would provide a break to the family from undertaking caring activities. Short breaks activities at home are for children and young persons who have complex assessed needs that may prevent them from accessing short break activities in the community. For avoidance of doubt this is a short break offer that provides respite to the parent/carer and not traditional home care. As such this will not be commissioned solely to provide personal care or take a child to school. The emphasis of this support is on respite and positive activities to promote outcomes for children and young people. Staff are expected to be skilled and to have experience in line with the short breaks' agenda.The Accreditation List duration will be for five years with two possible extension periods of two years each. at the Authority's discretion. The Accreditation List value is estimated to be £1.8 million over the total length of the duration (including any extensions).The Authority will buy services from the Accreditation List Providers using a Call-off process.There is no guarantee of work, nor does the Authority guarantee any volume or specific value of work. There is no exclusivity permitted and the Authority are not bound to the use of the Accreditation List for any or all requirements.This advert relates to Round 1 only. Another advert will be posted for the procedure for Round 2 onwards. Also see Section 5 of the Accreditation List Instructions document.Please visit the Council's e-tendering system https://www.eastmidstenders.org where you can express interest and obtain the documents, (please note we will only accept expressions of interest through the e-tendering system). Please search for CPU4266 | Nottingham City Council | 31/01/2025 |
02/12/2024 07:25 PM | Catering Services | we are looking for an enterprise to run a daily catering service at three of our Extra Care services, Stonelow Court (Dronfield, Northeast Derbyshire), Whitfield House (Glossop, High Peak), and Whinn Dale (Normanton, Wakefield) | South Yorkshire Housing Association | 17/01/2025 |
29/11/2024 08:36 AM | Framework for a Mid-Tech Homecare Service | Provision of a Mid-Tech Homecare Service for the Dispensing and Home Delivery of Self-Injecting and Self-Infused Products (including Pharma Funded Schemes) and removal of waste/sharps bin. | East Midlands Pharmacy Collaborative | 21/02/2025 |
19/11/2024 10:35 AM | Multi Provider Framework Agreement for Care, Support and Enablement (CSE) within Supported Living and Community Networks | Nottinghamshire County Council wish to appoint Providers under a 'Framework Agreement' to deliver Care, Support and Enablement (CSE) services across Nottinghamshire County. From time to time the Framework Agreement may also be used to commission CSE services outside of Nottinghamshire County boundaries.Lot 1 Supported Living. Under this lot Providers will be commissioned to deliver standard CSE services as described in the overarching Part 3 - Framework Service Specification and the Lot 1 - Supported Living Service Specification.Lot 2 Enhanced Supported Living (Plus). Under this lot Providers will be commissioned to deliver enhanced CSE services as described in the overarching Part 3 - Framework Service Specification and the Lot 2 - Enhanced Supported Living (Plus) Service Specification.Lot 3 Accommodation and Support. Under this lot Providers will be commissioned to deliver CSE services and facilitate the provision of housing as described in the overarching Part 3 - Framework Service Specification and the Lot 3 - Accommodation and Support Service Specification. Note: In order to be considered for lot 3 the bidder must also submit a compliant bid for lot 1 and/or lot 2. A bid solely for lot 3 will be deemed non-compliant.Lot 4 Community Networks. Under this lot Providers will be commissioned to deliver support and enablement services to groups of individuals via 'Community Networks' as described in the overarching Part 3 - Framework Service Specification and the Lot 4 - Community Networks Service Specification.The Framework Agreement will have an initial term of four years and options to extend for up to a further 24 months.All Providers under this Framework Agreement must have: • a minimum of three years of recent organisational and/or management experience in the delivery of care, support and enablement services for people with disabilities and/or complex needs.• a commercial office location within the Nottinghamshire boundary, or within a fifteen-mile radius of the Nottinghamshire boundary.In addition to the above, Providers bidding for services under lots 1, 2 and 3 of this Framework Agreement must have: • a current registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for the delivery of the regulated activity of personal care.Registration with CQC is not a requirement for Providers solely bidding for lot 4.Providers should note that a further opportunity / opportunities to bid for any, or all lots of this Framework Agreement may be advertised in the future. No date/s have been set for any such process. Any bidder who is unsuccessful in this tender may bid again in any future tender for admission to the Framework Agreement. | Nottinghamshire County Council | 31/01/2025 |
11/11/2024 04:17 PM | Building Safety and Compliance Framework | Fusion21 is developing a framework for the full provision of Building Safety and Compliance related works/services. The Framework will be split into 12 lots as follows:Lot 1: Asbestos Surveying & Consultancy CPV: 71313410, 71315100, 71317210, 71600000, 71900000, 80500000, 80531200 Description: Includes; asbestos consultancy air monitoring, training and related services Value: £50mLot 2: Asbestos Abatement & Removal CPV: 45262660, 90650000 Description: Includes; asbestos removal, disposal, encapsulation and related services Value: £90mLot 3: Legionella & Water Hygiene Consultancy CPV: 71313410, 71317210, 71600000, 71800000, 80500000, 80531200 Description: water hygiene consultancy services, undertaking risk assessments, producing written schemes/management plans, training and related services. Value: £10mLot 4: Legionella Monitoring & Control CPV: 45332000, 50511000, 50513000, 50514100, 51810000, 71600000, 71700000, 71800000, 71900000, 80531200, 90913100 Description: Legionella and temperature monitoring, testing and sampling and related services/works. Value: £50mLot 5: Fire Safety Surveying & Consultancy (Multi- Disciplinary) CPV: 71313410, 71315400, 71317100, 71317210, 71600000, 71631000, 75251110, 80500000, 80531200 Description: Fire safety, surveying and consultancy related works/services. Value: £20mLot 6: Fire Risk Assessments CPV: 71313410, 71317100, 71317210, 75251110, 80500000, 80531200 Description: Fire risk assessments and related services Value: £40mLot 7: Fire Safety Inspections CPV: 71315400, 71631000 Description: Fire safety routine or ad-hoc inspections Value: £40mLot 8: Passive Fire Protection CPV: 44221220, 45343000, 45343100 Description: Includes design, supply, installation, maintenance and other related works/services Value: £290mLot 9: Fire Suppression (Sprinkler & Mist) Systems CPV: 35111500, 44115500, 45343000, 45343100, 45343230 Description: Includes design and installation/upgrading of fire safety measures Value: £40mLot 10: Active Fire Safety CPV: 31500000, 31518200, 31625100, 31625200, 35111000, 35111320, 44480000, 45312100, 45343000, 50413200, 51700000 Description: Includes fire detection, evacuation, alarm systems and similar service/works Value: £90mLot 11: Warden Call & Tele-health CPV: 31620000, 33195000, 33196000, 42961100, 79711000 Description: Includes design, supply, installation, maintenance and other related works/services Value: £40mLot 12: Electronic Security CPV: 31625000, 35120000, 42961100, 45312000, 50610000, 79711000 Description: Includes door access control, CTTV, alarms and other related services/work Value: £40mFurther information and the Tender Pack can be found in the Opportunities section on the Buyers e-procurement Portal - https://fusion21.ukp.app.jaggaer.com | Fusion21 Members Consortium | 17/01/2025 |
08/11/2024 01:03 PM | Ex-Offenders Floating Support Service - Prior Information Notice | Portsmouth City Council is seeking, in the short to mid-term, a qualified supplier to provide a floating support service to individuals who have recently left custody or have experienced problems maintaining a tenancy in order to enhance life skills, prevent homelessness and enable transition to more independent living arrangements. This floating support is to be provided with a view to reduce re-offending amongst supported individuals. This prior information notice is issued alongside a questionnaire to be completed by suppliers to gauge potential interest in the market and to understand the experience of current market operators. The deadline for PIN Questionnaire responses is the 22nd November 2024 at 13:30PM. | Portsmouth City Council | 08/02/2025 |
25/10/2024 04:37 PM | BMC1227 - Supported Living Open Framework | East Riding of Yorkshire Council is seeking applications from potential care agencies to be admitted to the Council's new Supported Living Open Framework. This intention is that this framework will be used to commission all supported living schemes or very large packages of care which are contracted through the Council, it will not be used for those individuals who wish to have a direct payment. In the future other models of contract may also be developed, for example individual service funds.Unlike a traditional framework, suppliers can apply to join the open framework at any time and is designed to provide access to a pool of pre-qualified suppliers that can be continually refreshed, however the applications will only be evaluated every 12 months or when the Council identifies an urgent need in particular to direct award to a specific provider.There is no limit to the number of providers awarded a place on the open framework for supported living, however it must be recognised that there are no guaranteed levels of business.It is a requirement that the Agency will be registered as a Home Care Agency with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and any successor body will maintain registration, with no serious compliance issue/s. This Agency is required to have a 'good' or "outstanding" CQC inspection rating - or as a minimum, 'requires improvement' and be able to demonstrate that action is being taken to address the 'requires improvement' inspection rating.The Agency must have a registered office / location such that they must be able to demonstrate how high-quality outcome-focused, person-centred care can be delivered and effectively co-ordinated for any requirements that they apply for.This procurement is conducted under the Light Touch Regime, under the EU Public Contracts Directive 2014/24/EU, as implemented by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 No. 102) Section 7.The Open Framework starts on 01/03/2025 and the initial end date is 31/03/2033. The Framework includes options to extend up to three further twenty-four month periods at the sole discretion of East Riding of Yorkshire Council with an estimated total contract value of £700m.The first closing date is noon on 09/12/2024. Further dates are detailed in the tender documents. | East Riding of Yorkshire Council | 31/03/2033 |
11/10/2024 09:09 AM | All ages support and accommodation for rough sleepers with complex needs - Broadmead Court | West Northamptonshire Council is currently developing a new High Support Accommodation Service at Broadmead Court. The Service will provide specialist support for people who are homeless, have experienced rough sleeping, and present with multiple complex and high needs. It is intended that the Service will support residents in finding strategies of coping, which help them to sustain their accommodation and to progress towards independent living, with a view to move on to longer-term accommodation which is suited to their circumstances and needs.West Northamptonshire Council held a face to face market engagement session in September. The slides of which can be found attached to this notice.Any future engagement sessions will be advertised through Contracts FInder and subsequently, from 24th February 2025, the Central Digital Platform. Any communication regarding the upcoming procurement will also be advertised using these sources. | West Northamptonshire Council | 01/09/2025 |
17/06/2024 03:10 PM | Innovative Platform for Home Based Services | The Purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to notify the market of Southampton City Council (the "Council") in partnership with Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Commissioning Board's intention to re-open the tender opportunity by inviting suitably experienced and qualified Providers to submit a tender for the Innovative Platform for Home Based Services ("The Platform") more specifically for the provision of Home Care, Live-In Care, Continuing Health Care(CHC) and Complex Care for Adults and Continuing Care (CC) and Complex Care for Children, Bridging Services, and Extra Care in accordance with the overarching and lot specific service specifications (Volume Two of the tender documentation). Please note that the council has previously advertised this tender opportunity via Contracts Finder and via PIN (Prior Information Notice) reference EC09-01-3216 published 10th February 2023. This notice now replaces the original PIN that was published.The Council is subsequently communicating/clarifying intended timescales for evaluation of tenders for the remaining term of the framework, please note that this is applicable for existing providers who have already been appointed to the framework for either a change to a current offer or submission of a new tender application (for example for additional branch(es) to be added to the Platform or for existing branch (es) to deliver additional lots) and new/perspective providers. Please refer to the tender for further information and documents and we recommend you review information relating to - how the platform will work, contract management and award documents.We would like to advise that when a new tender is submitted it will be evaluated via an evaluation panel on behalf of the Council, during the following months of February, May, August and November and that this pattern will be repeated throughout the term of the framework. Please note for tenders to be evaluated during these months, tenders must be received prior to the last working day of the month, all further tenders received after this date will be evaluated during the next period of evaluation.Lot 1 - Homecare Lot 2 - Live in Care Services Lot 3 - Continuing Health Care (CHC) and Complex Care for Adults and Continuing Care (CC) and Complex Care for Children Lot 4 - Bridging Services Lot 5 - Extra Care | Southampton City Council | 17/05/2043 |
10/05/2024 11:08 AM | Provider List for Mental Health Supported Living Services in the Bradford District | Support for people with a severe and enduring mental health issue to live as independently as possible.The type of support is likely to include emotional support and support to help people to care for themselves: help with access services and social activities; and practical support such as budgeting, shopping and cooking. This could be in several types of accommodation: • In someone's own home, whether owner occupied or rented • Living with family and friends • Living in accommodation that is part of the offer from the supported living provider, whether a shared house or individual flat or houseThis tender contains 2 Lots. Lot 1: Mental Health support Lot 2: Mental Health support with personal care | City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council | 22/09/2030 |
26/10/2023 04:16 PM | CHIC Agency - Dynamic Purchasing System [DPS] | CHIC invites organisations to participate in a 60-month DPS for Agency and Recruitment services with the following categories:Category 1: All employee types May include all or a mix of the employees and associated agency services from all/any of the other categories and any other role or specialism required.Category 2: Housing Services. Job roles and specialisms include, but are not limited to, customer relationship managers (Housing Officers),retirement living co-ordinators, governance advisors, and contact centre officers. Contracts may include all or a mix of employee types and associated agency services.Category 3: Information Technology. Job roles and specialisms include, but are not limited to, infrastructure managers, IT Helpdesk and data analysts. Contracts may include all or a mix of employee types and associated agency services.Category 4: Finance. Job roles and specialisms include, but are not limited to, management accountants (including capital and treasury, rents and service charges), business assurance officers and accounts payable officers. Contracts awarded may include all or a mix of employee types and associated agency services.Category 5: Human Resources & Communications Job roles and specialisms include, but are not limited to HR advisors/co-ordinators/administrators, payroll officers and communications managers. Contracts awarded may include all or a mix of employee types and associated agency services.Category 6: Executive Support/PA Job roles and specialisms include, but are not limited to, personal assistants, office administrators, sales negotiators. Contracts awarded may include all or a mix of employee types and associated agency services.Category 7: Asset Management Job roles and specialisms include, but are not limited to, health & safety officers, asset managers, developmentmanagers, property service officers, leasehold managers and trade operatives. Contracts awarded may include all or a mix of employee types and associated agency services.Category 8: Executive/Board Members Job roles and specialisms include, but are not limited to, chief executive officers, executive directors, strategicdirectors and non-executive board members. Contracts awarded may include all or a mix of employee types and associated agency services.Estimated total value of contracts to be awarded during the 60 month period under each Category 1 to 8 is 10,000 000 GBP. | Communities and Housing Investment Consortium Limited | 27/10/2028 |
03/07/2023 02:18 PM | Flexible Procurement System for the Provision of Children's Short Breaks Services | The City of Doncaster Council (The Council) is to establish a Flexible Procurement System for the Provision of Children's Short Breaks Services There are five lots available: Lot 1: Regulated Personal Support. Personal support services will provide children and young people with an individual tailored support service that is personalised to meet their individual needs. Personal Support can range from supporting the individual or individuals to access suitable provision in the community or possible leisure activities. Personal care is physical help and/or prompting with eating, drinking, toileting, washing, bathing, health needs, nail and hair care in the community. Lot 2: Unregulated Support. Support services will provide children and young people with an individual tailored support service that is personalised to meet their needs while accessing suitable provision in the community or possible local leisure activities. Lot 3: Play, Leisure and Group Activities. Activities and group work support will provide children and young people with opportunities to access to a wide range of experiences and opportunities alongside their peers. This will be after school, at the weekend or in school holidays. They will be designed to enable children and young people to have fun, socialise, learn new skills and have the same opportunities as non-disabled young people. Lot 4: Overnight Residential Support. OFSTED registered overnight residential support will take place in settings that are as much like home as possible. Skilled and experienced staff will provide eligible children and young people with the opportunity to interact with others and develop communication, life, and social skills. Lot 5: Regulated Personal Home Care. Personal home care support that provides support for a young person, usually early morning, or early evening sessions any day of the week, ranging from 30-60 minutes per session to maintain their personal care routines. This may be before school or approaching bedtime. The family may also request overnight support in the family home. | Doncaster Council | 31/08/2030 |
26/05/2023 02:48 PM | Flexible Procurement System for the Provision of 16+ Supported Accommodation | The City of Doncaster Council (The Council) is to establish a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) under the Light Touch Regime of registered organisation to deliver semi-independent living accommodation and to young people aged 16+This process will be used to establish a list of assessed and approved Providers to deliver Semi Independent Accommodation and Support to Young People aged 16+, as and when required. The Council will place packages through the FPS as its sole contracting approach from July 2023.The FPS will consist of 4 Lots:Lot 1 - Single occupancyIncludes bedsits under a licence agreement and self-contained flats, which may be at the same location, or within the same building. This category does not include provision that is not designed for anything other than solo occupancyLot 2 - Supported Tenancies Shared accommodation/group living (ring-fenced provision for looked-after children and care leavers)Shared accommodation. Young people have their own bedroom, and may have their own bathroom, and share communal areas (e.g. living room/s, kitchen). Provision may include foyer-type accommodation that combines support with opportunities for education, training and employment. This provision may support care leavers aged 18+Lot 3- Shared accommodation/group. See description for 2 above, plus: 1 Bed and breakfast accommodation should not be used for 16 and 17 year olds, even in an emergencyLot 4- Family-based accommodation/supported lodgings.Provided by private individuals who offer a room in their family home. Provision is typically co-ordinated by a supported lodgings scheme the registered provider), which recruits and supports a network of supported lodgings 'hosts'Providers are invited to apply for one, more than one, or all LotsThe initial deadline for request to participate is the 28th June 2028 | Doncaster Council | 02/07/2033 |
21/10/2022 01:05 PM | Adult Community Support and Enablement Service Framework | Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council) is looking to establish a five-year open flexible framework for the provision of independent housing-based enablement support. The service covers a wide range of support needs for everyday tasks, personal care, managing budgets, maintaining health and wellbeing plus being supported in the community in terms of appointments and activities. The service providers on the framework will support a wide range of needs which overall reduces the requirement for residential care.The framework will be in place for a total of five years, during which time providers may apply to join or may exit at any time, this is subject to demand for the ACSES service and satisfactory performance. The framework will commence on the 1st March 2023 and finish on the 29th February, 2028.First Deadline for Submission of Framework Documentation is 21st November 2022 at 12 noon and then the 30th of each month at 12 noon thereafter up until 30th July 2027. See framework documentation on YORtender.Please disregard the contract start date as above, this is a contracts finder error. | Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | 30/07/2027 |
21/03/2022 05:23 PM | Dorset Care, Support, Housing and Community Safety Framework | The commissioning partners seek to provide high quality personalised care and support services taking a strengths based approach which focus on meeting the outcomes of those individuals using the services whilst ensuring they are delivered and financed in a sustainable way. In order to achieve this Dorset Councils Adults and Housing Directorate is opening a new Framework; this will act as a vehicle to procure a range of care and support, housing and community safety services. It will replace the existing Frameworks. The Dorset Care Support Housing and Community Safety Framework will be established by utilising the flexibilities of the Light Touch Regime under the Public Contract Regulations 2015. These enable Public Sector Bodies in terms of health and social care to adapt and innovate procurement and contracting models to best meet service requirements. The Framework will be in place for up to 10 years and will enable providers to join at any time as long as specific criteria is met) instead of fixed opening periods as is the case with the existing Frameworks. It will work in two stages as follows: Part I The overarching 10 year framework will open and detail specific lots. At this stage providers need to meet the minimum entry criteria, this is detailed when the framework is open. At this stage providers will be asked to complete minimum entry criteria for the Lots they may in future wish to participate in further competitions for. In Part 2 providers will be invited further competition which will include further quality / price evaluation processes in respect of specific call off. It is anticipated that this process will commence from April 2022. The Framework shall allow a variety of procurement methods in order to support flexibility; opportunities to expand Providers geographical reaches and to respond to the needs of Service Users in receipt of Direct Payments or Personal Health Budgets. These shall include but are not limited to:Brokerage of individual packages Fixed term block contracts Individual Service Funds ISFThe Framework shall remain open for providers to apply to be appointed onto the Framework at any time during the Term, including those who have previously applied and failed to become a Framework provider but excluding any whose Framework Agreement and/or Call Off Contract has been terminated for Contract Non Compliance. Framework providers may reapply to improve their standing on the Framework by applying to be appointed to additional Lots. | Dorset Council | 31/03/2032 |
02/02/2022 11:14 AM | LPS CARE - Provider List for Break Time, Day Time and Night Time Services for Children and Young People with Disabilities - RFQ 15315157 | Lancashire County Council (the Authority) wishes to establish an open Provider List of Break Time and Short Breaks Providers who are suitable, capable and experienced to deliver the required services. This will greatly improve choice and the ability to meet the needs of children and young people with appropriate services. Short Breaks Services ("the Services") are essential for children with disabilities, their parents and their carers, to ensure better outcomes and to prevent escalation of their needs, where possible. The term 'short breaks' describes services that help adult parent/carers to more effectively provide care for their disabled child by providing them regular breaks The Services commissioned from the Provider List are listed below and will support the Authority in fulfilling its statutory duty to provide a full range of Short Break Services to children/young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ("SEND") which is sufficient to assist their primary carers to continue to provide care or to do so more effectively. The Lots have been developed to cover the range of Services available and have been grouped to align to the service area types and Service User's needs. Applicants are invited to apply for all or any of the following Lots and there is no restrictions for the number of lots they can successful in: Lot 1a Break Time Lot 1b Break Time Plus Lot 2a Day Time Short Breaks 2b Day Time Personal Care Lot 3 Night Time Overnight Short Breaks Lot 4 Intensive Positive Behaviour SupportIt is intended that the Provider List will remain effect for 5 years, with option to extend on one or more occasions, save that the length of this Provider List Agreement shall not exceed a maximum of 7 years. Service Contracts can be awarded as call-off contracts as detailed within the ITP. This procurement procedure is considered to be subject to the Light Touch Regime under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Provider List is an open list: Applicants can apply to join during its term if the Applicant satisfies the selection, quality and price requirements and is able to deliver the Service as described in the Service Specifications. Evaluations of new Applications will take place annually as detailed in the ITP. The Authority reserves the right to evaluate sooner. Exact Application Evaluation deadlines dates will be communicated via the Sourcing portal as an online discussion or any other format which the Authority stipulates. It is the Authority's intention to evaluate new Applications annually or once 10 new Applications are received, whichever occurs sooner. All instructions on how to participate and apply to join the Flexible Agreement, evaluation criteria, terms and conditions and documents to be returned can be found on following webpage within the Contact details & attachments section of this Opportunity notice. | Lancashire County Council | 29/03/2027 |
04/08/2020 08:42 AM | ESCC - AW - The East Sussex County Council Approved List for Supported Accommodation (including Housing Support Services) for Homeless Adults and Young People in East Sussex | Please note that the contract start date is not 15 August 2025, and call-off contracts can start from 01 September 2020. This error is deliberate as the system does not allow a contract start date prior to the date information can be requested/applications received by, however this mandatory field criteria does not suit the Approved List set up, hence the clarification here. The aim of this service is to underpin the strategic priorities of East Sussex County Council's Adult Social Care and Children's Services Departments, and local Health and Housing partners, to provide a flexible, outcomes-focussed on-site housing support service that: (i) prevents a wide range of crisis situations including homelessness; (ii) supports Clients to stay safe, including their mental and physical wellbeing, and better manage their use of substances and complex needs; (iii) builds resilience, in part by taking an asset-based approach to personal development that enables employment and future independent living; (iv) actively supports healthy living and well-being; (v) actively promotes self-care and avoids hospital or accommodation-based care or use of the Criminal Justice System; and (vi) proactively supports Clients to regain independence, maximising their capacity to live independently, and to move on with specialist support to prevent future crises. | SE Shared Services | 14/08/2025 |
06/12/2019 09:01 AM | Approved Provider List for Supply of Care Services in Supported Housing | This procurement procedure is considered to be subject to the Light Touch Regime under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Approved Provider List (APL) will be an open list: applicants can apply to join during its term if the applicant satisfies the selection requirements. The APL will be open for new applications from the date of publication of the invitation to participate documents and will remain open for new applications at any time during the APLs term. Following an evaluation process applicants will receive an outcome notification. Service users will predominantly be people with learning disabilities/autism, people with mental health needs, people with physical disabilities. But will also include a number of any other service user category. As determined appropriate the Council reserves the right to utilise the APL for the awarding of contracts under the Transforming Care agenda involving people with a learning disability and/or autism and who display behaviours that can be described as challenging. Successful applicants will be required to sign an APL Agreement and will be appointed as a provider. The APL will be used by the Council and associates to call-off when care and support is required in a supported housing setting. The call-off procedure provides flexibility in the way the Council will formulate and award service contracts with the intention of providing the best possible care and support to people and will be based upon the core service specification and core service contract. Existing business is anticipated to be retained by existing providers who have been successful in applying to the APL, on the basis of Service user choice. It is also anticipated that new business will arise each year. Successful providers may be required to produce an annual service development plan for each service contract to respond to changing needs and have regard to service efficiency and improvement. Social value may form part of the award criteria evaluation. The associate bodies, or their successors that can call off from this agreement are: NHS Chorley and South Ribble CCG, NHS East Lancashire CCG, NHS Fylde/Wyre CCG, NHS Greater Preston CCG, NHS Morecambe Bay CCG, NHS West Lancashire CCG and NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG as well as Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. All aspects (documents/attachments/responses) of the application can and must be submitted via the eTendering system. The Council will not accept email or hard copy/paper applications in relation to this process and you must make your application electronically via the eTendering portal. | Lancashire County Council | 04/01/2027 |
15/06/2017 02:36 PM | Architect for Extra Care including dementia | To set up a DPS (approved list) for Architect services for Extra care (including dementia) from which mini competitions/tenders will be run as projects arise. Must be capable of designs for homes of 40 or more in one location including the communal areas and other facilities. Value is based on one project (to be run under DPS) on the Feasibility and RIBA stages 1 to 3 of work. | Barnet Homes Ltd | 01/02/2027 |
Source: UK Contracts Finder